Monday, June 24, 2013
Pardon the Interruption
I am moving... new name, new space and new writing. Hold tight and I will be back soon!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Is it a Phase? Please say YES!
I was out on Saturday night and a friend told me she reads
my blog and it helps to her keep perspective on life with two small kids. I think we all need this at some point. Doesn't matter if I give the perspective or your mom does or twitter. Parents need perspective. So,
in an effort to keep it real I am going to keep it real about Brady and Cate
right now. Please, don’t interpret this
as me complaining. I know if these are my worries that life is pretty
good. Again, I am just keeping it real.
Cate our Earlybird
Ever since we let Cate cry it out at six months, she has
been a wicked (awesome) nighttime sleeper.
12 hours sometimes even 12.5 hours at night. It has been glorious. The weekends were actually even more amazing because no
one was getting up before seven. Until
recently. All of sudden going to bed is
a struggle no matter if we put her down early, same time or later. Sometimes she is awake in her crib getting settled for an hour-
playing with her blankets and loveys and rolling around. More often than not, she stands screaming bloody murder
and after 3-4 trips up there she will finally settle down. But here is the
worst part. She is waking up around
5:45am daily. Which is torture, and inhumane and causing me to be full of piss
and vinegar because I thrive on sleep and routines which are out of whack right
now. I can’t figure out what is causing it. She is not napping any longer than
she used to. So what gives?
Brady Soft and Warm
Brady to this point has never cared about clothes. And then he started caring about what was on
his shirts. I knew it was coming at some point so we embraced it. Super
heroes. Turtles. Dinosaurs.
Transformers. Whatever. I don’t love any of
it but we have allowed him to pick his shirt and don’t say no unless he gets it
out of his hamper in which case it is dirty and recently been worn. Which he would do
most days if we let him. The problem is
the bottoms. Or pants. Or shorts.
He started telling us he wanted soft pants. Sweatpants is what he was
asking for. But not just any. The fleece ones. And when we would try warm up pants or cargo pants he would adamantly say no, kick and scream, take them off. And then he added warm pants. He said his pants were cold. Too cold. And when we can’t deliver on that, he
throws a tantrum that I can’t describe. He screams and flails and the fear in
his eyes is real. He refuses to wear
them. He wardrobe is dwindling and it is an epic struggle daily. The other day he was sobbing with real tears
because the pants weren't warm enough. And I was tired and sad because I know that he doesn't get it or even really know. But to watch him be that upset daily kills me. I
know it is sensory driven but I am wondering what gives?
Are these phases? Please say yes.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Weekend Recap- Three Days Later
This past weekend was just what I needed to get out of whatever
funk I was in last week.
Friday night was dinner with a girlfriend I cherish and the
weather- the fact that the windows in the entire front of the restaurant were
open was enough to make me smile.
Saturday we woke up to brilliant sunshine even if it was a
bit early for our liking.
We watched as the largest of many trees in our yard was cut
down. Poor thing was huge but dead and such a hazard to the house I am finally calling my home. It was entertainment for hours as we watched her thud in our
yard and shake our house when she was finally laid to rest.
A visit from Empire
carpet and the electrician followed by helping our neighbors recover their
things from their flooded home ended our morning. Our kids took wicked (i.e.
long) naps and we played at the park and had an awesome dinner courtesy of
Glenn and the grill. Glenn and I watched “Zero Dark Thirty”. So good…but yet so sad in so many ways. I am
sort of obsessed with Navy SEALS right now.
Sunday we had breakfast with my parents at Walker Brothers
and spent a good portion of the day doing things around the house, playing,
riding bikes and going for a jog and working in our yard.
The thing is that the sun shined all weekend long. And that
is necessary. And makes anything better.
Friday, April 26, 2013
It's Friday...
My fingers start to type and quickly I hit delete. I try to
form a coherent thought on the screen but find myself closing my laptop or
hitting delete. I stare at the nothingness on my screen. Blank screen means my
thoughts are scattered, complicated and more than likely not appropriate for a
place that I was reminded in school this week is permanent otherwise known as
the internet. In case you are wondering my Business Law kids are watching "The Social Network" as we learn about intellectual property law.
So, instead I will give you some tidbits and then maybe next
week I will be back to blogging and ready to share all the thoughts swimming in
my head.
And plus also, I was going to share some pics of the kids from last weekend outside but in true fashion of this week, my memory card is in my camera right now so all I have are IG pics.
~ I started reading “Lean In”. Like I ordered a physical
book that has real pages and is not just on my iPad. That is refreshing. I like seeing it on my
nightstand. I like flipping pages and being able to go back easily and read
things again. I will reserve my comments about the book for a later post.
~ Cate started at daycare this week with Brady. There is
nothing harder to look at than pictures of her all day carrying her coat and
her teachers reporting that she keeps asking “go bye bye peas” “mama bye bye
now?” My mama guilt on this one is heavy.
~ I have recently spent a lot of time questioning what I
believe in as a teacher/coach. I am in a situation I never thought I would be one.
One that will result in me giving up something I love to take a stand for
something I truly believe in. Change is hard. And this one will sting.
~ We are having a tree taken out this weekend. We have been
testing fate with this dead tree and it is time. The $1350 price tag stings.
Really it does. But I have a feeling it may entertain our kids for hours.
~ This weekend looks perfect and I truly believe nice
weather makes everything better. We have a toy sanitizing party for our
neighbors that lost everything in the flood, dinner with a friend, a visit from
my parents and lots of family time. Hoping this will get my mind clear.
~ I can’t stop listening to the Cruise Remix by Flordia
Georiga Line and Nelly. It makes me smile.
How was your week friends?
Friday, April 19, 2013
Welcome to the Suburbs Storm Style
We had seen on the weather reports that like every other day
this spring we were in for rain this week. I didn't think much of it except to make
a snarky comment to Glenn about our old house needing an arc if it was going to rain as much as they said it was. But our new house is high on
the street, has a sump up and a back-up and to this point has not given us
reason to worry about a little rain. Little was not the right word.
It started raining on Wednesday… most of the day on and
off. It was a tranquil steady rain that made
you want to curl up with a hot drink and a book and watch it come down. By dinner time it was really raining. We
slept through the storm on Wednesday night with the exception of the thunder
and lightning that woke me up but not anyone else in our house. I got in the shower on Thursday morning and thought nothing of the rain the night before. I only kept thinking how wet I was going to get taking Brady in to preschool.
My phone started buzzing at 6:15 with my mom asking if we could talk. Still not
thinking anything I called her to hear that my brother’s house was flooded in
Elmhurst, my brother was in D.C. and my dad was on his way from Bloomington to
help my sister in law. At that point, I looked at Glenn with panic in my voice and told him to check
the basement. He did and there was a SMALL puddle seeping in.
Brady and I left to go to school and then I saw this.
I put the car in reverse knowing Glenn’s car would not make it
through the water. We shuttled our nanny and her son through the water in our SUV and
then the three of us set off for preschool, school and work. It took us a long
time, lots of rerouting and what we saw brought tears to my eyes. Homes submerged that looked they
were floating. And on top of it all the rain was not stopping.
After getting to school, it was decided a few minutes later to cancel. The daycare was closing. Glenn left work, we picked up Brady and headed home. To find this.
The only route to and from our house was a kayak.
I learned today that my street and neighbors are amazing,
even the ones that have lost everything.
So thank you suburbs and mother nature. For teaching me a
couple of lessons- that my neighbors are fighters and my friends and that my
sump pump is the new love of my husband's life.
And even after a storm, beauty shows up. Hello pretty deer
looking for dry land. And oh, snowflakes you can go away anytime.
Happy Weekend Friends.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Friday Already
Happy Friday friends! For some reasons the weeks just keep
going by and before I know it summer is going to be here and life is going to be
totally different. If we could just Mother Nature the memo that it is supposed to
be spring not winter I think I could start smelling the BBQ grill, see the
breeze ripple papers on our island with the windows open and see my kids
running thru the yard as the sun starts its slow descent for the night. Here
are some of the million thoughts racing in my head as the week ends.
~I am questioning what is up with Cate right now. She is
fussy. Really fussy. She is 19 months old. She shouldn’t be right? Why? Why
does she cry all of the time? Why does she want to be held all of the time? Why
are simple things like brushing her teeth resulting in full blown tears and
screaming? What is she needing or not getting at some point each day? My
original instinct questioned if she was sick or not. Could be. But something
just doesn’t seem right. Yes, she is strong willed and verbal. Am I struggling with this because we never
dealt with until now? I will take any suggestions or things to try. Is it something we should take her to the
doctor for? Is it normal? Looking for anything here people which could include
a 12 pack of beer.
~ I am contemplating change. Change for me. Vague I know.
But, I keep thinking about what change means for me, for my husband and for my
kids. We are finding things are barely but starting to get easier. And with a change
comes uncertainty, new routines, new roles and a new life. I have spent a lot of time this week lying
awake at night trying to decide at my core what I want, what I need and what I
risks I am willing to take and I am just not sure.
~ Do you sell things on Craigslist? I do. I get in these
moods to sell all things in our house and I do. I sell anything I can and
secretly do the touchdown dance the minute I have the cash in my hand from a
sale. I buy nothing to this point on Craigslist but I just keep thinking that
we have nice stuff in our house and even though I don’t want it anymore someone
might. Am I wrong? Is there something I should be
buying off Craigslist?
~Lastly, this is TMI for some of you but I learned an important
lesson yesterday when I was conditioning with the freshmen softball team. After
two kids, jump roping just doesn’t work. It just doesn’t. Use your imagination
and then know I sprinted to the bathroom….
Have a great weekend. We have no plans other than a dinner
date tomorrow night. Hoping for some spring cleaning, relaxing, good food and some sleep! How about you?
Monday, April 8, 2013
Weekend in Review
This weekend was good. Just good. I haven’t been
good at coming to this space and writing.
But I thought you deserved to see a tiny peek in to our lives. I have been living and my priority has
shifted to be present whenever possible because as a working mom my time is so
limited with my kids. So, hence less writing and sharing.
Friday night we spent the early part of the
evening at a happy hour with friends. My friends and Brady’s friends. I am so
lucky that my kid has picked friends whose parents I really enjoy spending time
with… we drink, we talk, we laugh and we watch as our kids interact and love
each other.
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15 years from now I hope they are still friends like this. |
Saturday I spent the day coaching in the morning,
a birthday party for one of Brady’s friends in the afternoon at a glow in the
dark bowling alley (super cute) and proceeded to have the same friends and more
back at our house for some playing, pizza and the Final Four games.
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Right after this he caught a fly ball unplanned. |
Sunday we regrouped for the week. I did 19 loads of laundry from Friday to
Sunday. I cleaned out closets. We went to the grocery store. We went to the
park. We got the grill out for dinner. I took a run in the sunshine. We played.
We picked up PILES upon PILES of deer poop in our backyard. (Talk about a smack
in the face from the suburbs.)
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Her lashes are ridiculous |
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Lululemon and I are still friends... |
I went to bed last night exhausted but full.
Content but wanting more. Grateful but ready to tackle the week. I went to bed
thinking that this weekend was good. Really good. I am ready for you Monday.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
all you need is some sunshine and a stick....
And yes, it is the end of March and the highs are in the 20's. So over winter.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Cate {18 Months}
Hey Cate,
You’re growing up before our eyes. Seriously, stop it. Stop growing
up. Stop it with the sass. Stop it with the snuggles and the kisses that make
us fall madly in love with you two seconds after we are exasperated with
There is not a meal that you don’t ask for a “bi” asking for
what is on our plate. You walk in to the kitchen going to the pantry and say “dat”
for anything you see that you can put in your belly. You eat more than your brother does. You try
anything. You want your own plate on your tray.
You want to be a big girl. Yet,
somehow you seem to still give us fits on the growth chart. Weighing in at a
small 23 pounds you are in the 20th percentile for weight… barely.
Yet, those long legs are already giving your daddy gray hairs. 80th
percentile for height my sweet Cate. Long and lean, huge blue eyes and long lashes
spell trouble for us.
You are so verbal and so capable of understanding. We ask
you if you want to take and bath and you respond with “bubbes”. Yes, you can have bubbles baby girl. “Pa Pa”
you say as you try to pop the bubbles away!
I ask you where your eyes are and you blink. I ask about your teeth and you smile and point. But best of all, when I ask where your nose is, you stick your finger high up in your nostril. Oh Cate, you are silly!
You continue to have your share of germs. First RSV, then whooping cough to the latest diagnosis of double ear infection, sinus infection and molluscum contagiosum. Lovely, really. You are smart enough to know when we are trying to give you medicine and say no and run away.
Your fearlessness has given you a fair share of bumps and
bruises. You hoard like your mother.
Filling up anything with “stuff” dumping it out and doing it all over
You used to be all daddy all the time but lately it’s me. It’s about mama… to feed you, brush your teeth and put you to sleep. You whine for me. And the whining grates on me after a long day but I know you just need me to love you for a while as your explore the big world.
At the end of every night, when I lay you in your crib, I tell
you “nigh nigh” you say it back to me. I feel my stomach knot knowing that
you are becoming a big girl and the baby in you is all but gone. Try to stay little and need me a bit longer
Friday, March 8, 2013
Currently v.2
This blog has been silent for longer than I would have
liked. But, what am I to do when the days consist of swimming lessons, softball
coaching, and dinner making, grading papers, and trying to keep some sort of
order in our house. Sometimes, even the
things that I mean to do go to the bottom of the list and sadly stay
there. Currently…
Eating… healthy. Seriously, with spring break just two weeks
away, I find myself craving healthy foods like fruit and vegetables. I think it
may also be related to Glenn and I exercising more and wanting to get back in
to shape. The years of being pregnant
and nursing were hard on my body so healthy eating is just a start but I am
loving feeling better, sleeping better not to mention my clothes fitting
Drinking…water. I
find myself drinking a ton of water at school. We have a great water cooler and
some days when I am just tired of sitting and staring at my computer screen, I
walk to the teacher’s cafeteria to fill my cup with ice and water just as a way
of taking a break. Seriously, in a day I
drink Starbucks and water…just waiting for summer so I can start sipping
lemonade again!
Listening…to the buzz in my classroom as my students work on
projects. I just got done watching two videos kids sent me about wealth
distribution in America and real estate agents and the seller’s interest. Both were fascinating but I think what is
more remarkable is listening to kids talk about them and being excited about this
Reading… “The Shallows” by Nicholas Carr. With the
unbelievable amount of technology that is being used and brought in to schools,
I am furiously reading this book to understand some of the research related to
what the internet is doing to our brain. Have you read it?
Come back next week. I will have an 18 month update on Cate
and pictures from the annual St. Patrick’s Day parade and party at my brother’s
house! I promise I will try to write more… Happy weekend!
Monday, February 25, 2013
30 Things- Number 4
{10 Things You Would Tell Your 16 Year Old Self}
Happy Monday Friends! I took a blogging break for a week,
okay maybe two because life just forced me to but I am back and ready to go
with some posts.
{Edit- I wrote this in one sitting without thinking, just writing. Funny what comes to your mind right?}
Okay, so here’s the thing. That was more than ½ my lifetime
ago and I have learned all about myself and life since then. And no, I am not making excuses, I am just keeping it real. I was going to talk about people and then
decided that my kids need to know who I was, what I struggled with and wish I
would said to myself...
1. Dressing in clothes that
are one size too big is just not cool. I know you’re insecure because you
have this muscular figure that isn't seen as attractive but, own it, accept it and
embrace it instead of wearing that big baggie green Abercrombie sweatshirt and thinking it looks cute.
2. Boys at 16 are just boys.
You loved him sure and there were a lot of moments that you will remember
with him but remember there is life after him and he really isn't worth
the tears and the sadness you gave him.
3. Your mama is pretty amazing. She will continue to be
your best friend. Not just when you want new clothes or someone to lay in
the sun with. She will be there when you heart is broken, your life seems
to be going nowhere, when you meet the man of your dreams and you become a
mama yourself. Remember this when you are mad because she says she can’t go
to that house on Saturday night.
4. Embrace going to St. Louis
to see your grandparents. Yes, the drive sucks, it is boring at times,
but there are so many stories, such little time with them and all they
want is to be a part of your life. You aren't cooler than them and some
day you will wish you were closer than you are and that you knew even more about them.
5. Don’t be afraid to be friends
with her, or go out on a date with him, or take that hard smart kids
class. Seriously, who cares if that doesn't make you popular? The reality is that that word is
relative and really doesn't matter when you get older.
6. Stop smoking now. I know
you thought it was cool because other people did it but it isn't and you
will wonder when you get older what permanent damage you have done.
7. Don’t drive that night in
a couple of years that you shouldn't have. Don’t do it. You got so lucky
that you didn't get in more trouble than you did.
8. For god’s sake, take care of your feet. I know you love being a guard at the pool and wearing flip flops but the damage you do will never go away and you will forever being disgusted by your feet.
9. Do something. Be change
maker. Start a club. Find a new friend. Explore a hobby. Yes, athletics is
your passion, but find another one. There is so much in life you should
try and do it now while you are young, carefree and able to do anything.
10. Every night when you go to
bed, ask yourself, “Was I my best self today? Do I like who I am?” If the
answer is no to either of these, change it. Stop now. Be better.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Currently v.1
I have been trying to challenge myself a bit with writing and found a link up that forces me to still give you tidbits about our life but also makes me reflect more on what is really going on in our world.
Loving~ decorating our new house and
reading HGTV magazine. This magazine has
officially become my favorite subscription each month. I find myself wanting to try everything and
become a DIY. We have lived in our house for six months and for some reason the
itch to really start decorating and making some decisions kicked in last
month. New light fixtures, new windows,
changing out door knobs and new plans for our mudroom and living room are
getting me excited and ready to tackle it all. My goal is to have our main
floor mostly decorated and the landscaping done by the end of the summer. Then
the next year we will focus on the upstairs and outdoor patio. My dad is a big part of this. And this fixture below is just one of three new light fixtures going in our house. We also picked out two more from Lightopia. This one and another one.
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via |
Dreaming~ I have been dreaming lately
of warmer weather. The feeling of sand
between my toes, my feet slipping on flip flops easily, lazy afternoons in the
warm sunshine, and cool breezes at night that require a long sleeve
t-shirt. I am craving having the windows
open and the breeze that comes thru them.
I am dreaming of waking up with my kids whose sun-kissed cheeks signal
that they have gotten to be young and worry about little. This is that time of the year that I start
counting down to spring break and the week away from our daily lives that I so
badly need.
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pretty right? but I need some warm weather... |
Admiring~ anyone who has the courage to
be really bold with fashion. I see all of these cute things in stores like Ann
Taylor Loft, Anthropologie, JCrew and Nordstroms and think then when I try it
on I just feel plain silly. I used to think I was really fashionable and still
think I am classic in what I wear but some days I just wish I was the girl who
could pull off the neon skinny denim with a brocade jacket like the girl on the
cover does.
Kissing~ my husband and kids…even more
than usual this week. With Brady at the daycare in my high school, I sneak in
there a couple of times a week during the day just to give him a couple of
extra kisses before nap time or after lunch.
Cate is still pretty stingy with her kisses but I will sneak a couple in
with her too! And Glenn well he gets some too!
Gifting~ Currently, I am gifting
myself a pass on the need to be perfect. Brady’s valentine cards for his class
were not handmade, we ate sushi one night and I skipped working on Thursday
because I think I am starting to finally understand that being imperfect is
actually better than being totally perfect. In the quest to be perfect, I lose
perspective, time I could have spent with the people I love and I become
resentful. So, maybe this week I didn’t get 4 workouts in…. next week I will
try to fit them in. But that pass is
just what I needed after some wild weeks in our house.
Have a happy weekend! We are headed to the Blackhawks game tonight, Glenn is headed out of town tomorrow with friends and my parents are coming up to do some house stuff with me!
Monday, February 11, 2013
30 Things- Number 12
12. A Typical
Day in Our House
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{She hate the mittens if you can't tell.} |
In case you missed my post last week about this series I
have started, you can read about it here.
Committing to doing this is hard. But, I am going to try to get in all
in this space. I thought I would tell you about a typical day in our
house but trying to take pictures to prove it just wasn't in the cards. Baby steps people. So, I will leave you pictures from our fun in
the snow Saturday.
5:20am- Glenn's alarm goes off and he gets out the door and to
the gym. It's literally in our back yard! I reset the alarm and go back to sleep until 5:55. Depending on what I
have going on that day, sometimes going back to sleep is impossible.
5:55am- My alarm goes off and I hop in the shower. I watch
the monitor as I shower begging for Brady and Cate to stay asleep. Knock on wood, they have never woken up.
6:30- Glenn comes home from the gym. Usually Brady is awake
and watching tv in our bed under the covers, while I get ready and Glenn showers.
7:00- Brady is dressed, has juice and he and I attempt to get
out the door with little drama. The shoes, mittens, boots, coat and hat routine
takes a while and that is just for him. I grab my lunch, school bag, gym bag
and his daycare bag and we are out the door.
7:05- Starbucks. Need I say more? We usually utilize the
drive-thru and Brady gets a petite vanilla bean scone.
7:15- Cate wakes and Glenn gets her changed and ready for
our nanny. Usually she leaves him a “lovely” present in her diaper.
7:20- Daycare drop-off. Some days this is easy peasy and other days it
is a horrible start to the day.
7:45- School. Meetings. Class. Observations. Reports.
7:45- Daddy leaves for work.
4:00- Daycare pick up. Usually this goes smoothly with Brady
greeting me with a bear hug and ready to leave but some days he cries because he
wants to stay at school and play. We head
home and relieve the nanny and see Cate who usually waiting by the door.
4:30- I usually get dinner started and Brady and Cate start
whining. Cate is spends from now until dinner time scavengering for any food we will give her and Brady is
looking for milk and for me to turn on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
5:00- Glenn walks in the door.
5:30- Dinner. Chaos. Lots of negotiations, shoveling of food
in our mouths and frustration.
6:00- Bath. Depending on the night who gives baths changes.
Lately, I have been giving Brady a bath and Glenn does Cate. While Cate is
taking a bath, we usually play hide and seek with Brady.
6:30- Play. We try to really play with the kids after the
bath. Sometimes I leave for the gym if I didn’t work out at school.
7:00- Cate goes down and takes her only bottle of the day.
It is warm milk and she has started to ask for her “baba” when she is really tired. Brady usually settles in with legos and then
moves to the iPad.
7:30- Bottle and sippy cup washing, cleaning up the kitchen,
packing lunches and getting organized usually happens. At least a night a week one of us is either
at the gym or working late which makes this look different.
8:00- Lights out for Brady. He always asks for “three more
minutes” and then we have to count down to have him turn the iPad off. Usually he wants us to carry him up and then
we read one story and he is asleep. (Yes,
I know we are lucky).
8:15- Glenn and I try to watch a show together or at least
talk for a bit each night. Some nights we watch different tvs but usually we
watch together. I am usually on email or grading while we watch something.
9:00- Glenn and I head upstairs. We are both reading a lot
lately, so we settle in with our e-readers for the night. Some nights, I grade
on my iPad, respond to emails and work from bed.
10:00- Lights out.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Why I Write- A Challenge for Me
I was perusing pinterest the other day… aimlessly looking at
my feed. Usually when I am overwhelmed
at work, I avoid the stress and head to pinterest to clear my head. Some
days I get on a kick about a particular topic or idea but usually I just pin
stuff that I want to know more about or remember. I saw this pin. And ever
since then I have been thinking about it. Why I write. Even though I haven’t written with frequency lately.
This space started as a way of keeping family mostly in the
loop about my first pregnancy. I thought it would be a neat way to share
updates, pictures and information with anyone who wanted it, specifically my
parents because they are a couple of hours away.
But, now it is more.
So much more. This space is
capturing my memories. My stories. Our
life. Those small moments like I talked about last week that happen so fast and
are such a small part of any one day but they are the things I want to
remember. I want to remember the tiny moments that seem so inconsequential to
most but mean so much to me. I want to remember how Cate takes Brady his milk when
we get home every day and how much fun Brady has being superman at night with
his towel on his head after the bath.
But I also want this space to be a place where my kids get
to know me and who I am. What defines me. What drives me and why. So, I am committing today, really I am, to
answering these thirty prompts on Monday of each week. A little bit about me.
So one day, if they ever want to know more or need to know more, it will be
Want to join me?

Friday, February 1, 2013
Big Memories in Small Moments
“Cate, can I have a kiss?”
“Uh-uh” And she shakes her head no smiling.
“Cate, can I have a hug?”
“Uh-uh” As she shakes her head no again busy with wooden
“Mommy, I can give you a kiss and a hug” he tells me.
“You can?” I ask to
make him smile.
“Yeah, I can” as he rushes to me and knocks me over to hug
and kiss me.
I lay her down in her crib after her only bottle of the day.
She isn't asleep but she's drowsy. I grab a blanket and cover her with it. She doesn't move but I can see in the darkness her eyes as they follow me. I stroke her hair with my hand. Sweeping her bangs out of her eyes and tucking
the few long pieces behind her ears. She
lays there not moving and I whisper “good night, sweet girl”. Walking away is the hardest part. I shut the
door and as soon as I look at her on the monitor she has flipped to her belly
for the night.
“Mommy you stay and snuggle with me?”
“Sure, buddy. For one minute”
My mind races of all the things I need to do, could do,
should do and then like a light switch it stops. I listen to him breathe. I
feel his feet against my legs. My own eyes growing heavy with fatigue after the day that has unfolded.
“Mommy’s gonna go bye bye buddy.”
“You stay for three more minutes please?”
“One more buddy.”
I lay there keenly aware that he wants me next to him and
that soon he won’t want me in his room.
“Night night buddy. I love you. To the moon”
“And back” as he finishes my sentence.I walk out and leave wondering how long he will let me keep
this routine.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Wednesday {My Monday}
Normally, Wednesday is hump day. That day of the week, where
you start to see the weekend in the distance and if you are like me you give
yourself a pep talk reminding yourself how much you have accomplished in the
week, have left to get done and how good it feels to leave school on a Friday with
everything in place for Monday.
Except this week, we didn't have school Monday or Tuesday.
So, here we are with it feeling like a Monday where drop offs take longer than
usual, we are running late as we usually do on Monday and my to do list is just
as long with less time to accomplish everything on it.
So, I thought I would give you a good laugh, at my expense, to start my week or get you through
hump day.
Some background information, our house has two heaters or
zone heating as some people call it- a unit for our second floor and a unit for
our main floor and basement. It is a luxury… I know especially since the wind
chill this morning was -15 degrees. For the record, zone heat and A/C was a must on my list when we were looking for a house.
For the past couple of weeks, I have been complaining that
it is just plain cold in our upstairs.
My feet are cold when I walk across the hardwood floor; the toilet seat
is cold in the middle of the night (tmi right?) and when you walk up our stairs you can just
feel the air getting colder.
The thermostat was set on a program from the previous
homeowner. We went with it because it
was pretty much perfect. But when I started complaining, Glenn would try
to raise the temperature to 70, 71, 72 yet the thermostat would not go higher
than 67 even if the heat ran 24 hours a day. Brrrr…. So, I was initially convinced it was our thermostat. So, I
called the company four times in 24 hours and got nowhere. I did four different
“fixes” and it was doing nothing but sitting on 67. Glenn and I decided, really Glenn did, that it was time to call a
professional. I think he was just tired of listening to me but of course it was now Sunday on a holiday weekend and the first time we had really frigid temperatures. So, needless
to say between the colds we all had which capped off seven days of ridiculous sickness in our house and the temperature upstairs I was grumpy.
Enter my mother in law.
We start to tell her our problems
as we are researching companies that service our brands of heaters when she
arrives on Sunday. And she asks a simple question, “Have you changed your
filter?” I look at Glenn who OF COURSE
blames me and says, “She was supposed to call to have them maintenanced and didn't this fall so no.” Of course I was.
{Yes, I was in charge of this in our old house but I didn't realize I was
in charge going forward of all heat and air conditioning things.}
Glenn laughed the suggestion off but I was willing to try
anything for warm night's sleep. I felt so guilty that it was cold in our upstairs
while our kids slept with colds, footed pajamas and big blankets. So, as
soon as they woke up, I climbed up the ladder in our sitting room (in our
master suite) up to the attic. I saw a
filter. So, I started to remove the old one and the dust was forming a cloud in the space. I put the new one in and I maybe said a quiet prayer
for this to work.
I threw the filter away, set the thermostat to 70 and went
back to playing with the kids. We left and came home and BAM 70 degrees
upstairs. It worked. Who knew? Let this be the first of many lessons in home ownership I learn the hard way. And
further proof that some days I am still not convinced I am old enough to own a
Happy Hump Day!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Tidbits of Talk 13.3
Hello? Is anyone out there? I am guessing no, since I
haven’t written in what seems like months even though it is has been a little
over a week. I swear I have some good reasons and some updates so let’s get
this Friday tidbits rolling shall we?
~ I got the flu. Yep, got it and no I did not get a flu
shot. Did it suck? Yes. Did I start Tamiflu immediately and did it help? I
think so. But it was a slow form of torture for me and for Glenn since he was
single parenting as I was shivering in bed.
Prayers I did not give it to my family mkay?
~ We have a new form of anger in our house from our 16 month
daughter in hitting. I don’t get it. We have never dealt with it before. We
know time out is not effective at this age so we are looking for any
suggestions. We are sternly saying no
when she does it but I would be lying if a) Glenn and I both haven’t been
nailed at least once by her and b) it is not a tad funny coming from my tiny
~ Negotiations with a three year old are tough people. I
feel like everything is up for negotiation. The bath, ipad and even dinner. Oy…
~Glenn has been pressuring me to get decorating. Sunday, I
spent a ton of money and came home with three chairs, a rug and we got 10 new
curtains delivered. I will show you some pics soon but leave you with this link. How
cute right?
~ I joined the Fresh 20 after reading
about it here. I am hoping it will inspire even more healthy dinners in my
house. Anyone reading a member already?
~Cate started gymnastics on Saturday. So stinking cute…
~ Have you read this post? Do you follow her on Instagram. Her pics are amazing!
~Four days off following three days of finals at school so
this weekend will be filled with couch cuddles, naps, and lots of family time
which is just what the doctor ordered!
Happy Friday friends! Sorry for the lack of pictures. I am vowing to get my camera out, the real one, this wekeend. No excuses! And, yes, I promise to get back to blogging regularly!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Cate 15 Months
{I started writing this a few days after your fifteen month day and it kept getting pushed to my drafts folder.And here I am over a month late finally publishing this post.}
Dear Cate,
Fifteen months later I am on a roller coaster with you either exasperated by your screaming for “ju” or so clearly amazed by your ability to follow simple directions “go get your shoes” or "throw that in the garbage" that I am speechless. At some point every day I catch myself staring in awe of how busy you are just doing. Busy defines you. You never stop moving and always want to be in the middle of everything. The center of attention at all times.
You wore your first dress this month complete with tights.
And your brother kept asking how you put them on and why you were wearing
them. And I was lost in my own thoughts
seeing leotards and ballet flats, homecoming dresses and wedding dresses. You
dressed up and you were beautiful…and you are mine.
Dear Cate,
Rarely do I make these letters public for everyone to read
because I find myself writing deeply, purposefully and truly to you when you
hit these milestones in life. But, today
I wanted to share with the world you and why I love you unconditionally.
Fifteen months ago you completed our family. Most people would classify you as a toddler,
but I don’t. You are still my baby girl.
Maybe because I know in the depths of my heart you are my
last I am trying to hang on to the baby in you just a little bit longer. Or maybe
because you are so small and your features are so delicate although your hair and temperament tell a different story.
Fifteen months later I am on a roller coaster with you either exasperated by your screaming for “ju” or so clearly amazed by your ability to follow simple directions “go get your shoes” or "throw that in the garbage" that I am speechless. At some point every day I catch myself staring in awe of how busy you are just doing. Busy defines you. You never stop moving and always want to be in the middle of everything. The center of attention at all times.
You are spunky and loud and emotional. You love completely and hug and kiss with
sound and all and your absolute favorite place to be is in your daddy’s or my
arms. You want to be in the mix and
close. You love to read books on your
daddy’s lap and there is not a day that you don’t beg me to pick you up and
usually I oblige. You love to be
snuggled and you snuggle back. You let us rock you willing- resting your head on our shoulders and usually dozing to sleep the minute we rock.
You hang on to toys and do not relent when your brother
wants them. And when he reaches, you
scream. You really let us know. But, then you usually give it to him
reminding your daddy and me just how innocent and sweet you can be. You love your brother… man do you love him.
Usually going up to his feet and saying “ticka ticka” trying to get him to
laugh. Most days, he politely tells you he is not interested and to go away please. But those days when he does want to play your day is made.
You are aggressive and stubborn. You laugh when we tell you
no, you smile at us when you get what you want and shake your head yes and no
with such emotion it is hard not to laugh.
Sometimes, you remind us you are still so young when we ask “Cate, do
you want to jump off a cliff?” and you shake your head with emotion yes and we
know that you are still so small and still needing us.
Your entire life you have done things on your own time. We
keep willing you to meet milestones when you are “supposed to” and yet you
don’t. At one year no one was worried that you weren't walking but we were told
that if you weren't by 15 months that was another story and an issue. And in your true form, you walked at 14.5 months. On your own time.
I look at your daddy when you are being you and I tell him
he is your daughter. But, really Cate,
fifteen months later, you are mine. You are me in every way, shape and form and
the truth is that maybe that is why I love you fiercely yet you drive me
crazy. You are me. I am not sure that is a good thing. Heck, it
scares the hell out of me if I am being honest.
Meeting my match some would say.
I worry you got the worst of me. The bad things…the stubborn
temperament, the need to be busy and the pure emotional way you respond to
And then I think about you and how much I want you to stay young, be little and keep your innocence as long as you can. And I tell you with raw honesty that you growing up scares the hell out of me because the world little girl has changed so much. So much that some days I don't think I am equipped to guide you or your brother through it. The innocence that I grew up with is gone somehow. We live in a world where technology and violence dominate the news and yet I want you to know none of it. I want your worries to be my responsibility so that you can be carefree. Run with your shoes off, try to something new without fear of failure and live. Just live with innocence, explore with recklessness and le me guide you as you navigate life.
I love you baby girl.
Stay young and innocent a bit longer okay?
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
2012 to 2013
I don’t do resolutions. I don’t do words. At least I don’t
think I do. I have unplugged form this space since before Christmas.
Unintentional as it was, it felt really good. I didn't turn my computer on until yesterday. I have been present with my family being a mom and just enjoying the
small moments that have made for really good memories of this Christmas season.
And I went back to the post I wrote at the
beginning of 2012 and realized that was one of my goals. I don’t think I did it every day but I
tried to be present and available with my kids. And I am pleased that in the
hustle of the holidays, I was able to be present more than I have been most of the year. Not worried about pictures or words, just
being present with my husband and kids as we celebrated the magic that makes Christmas so special with littles.
If I had to give a word reflectively to 2012, it would be change.
We had so many changes in our house literally and figuratively. If you read
this blog regularly, then you know about all those changes to things like childcare,
houses, cars, commutes and routines.
I’d like to believe that change is healthy for and
individual and a family. I actually
think that when change occurs we become our best selves. We rise to challenges that we haven’t faced
before and we embrace it with everything we have in our tanks. It what ends up defining us, redefining us and fueling our tanks so when the next challenge comes we are ready to meet it head on.
But, I am ready for the change to stop. I am ready to slow
down. I am ready to settle in. I am ready to watch my kids grow this year. I am ready to foster the things that have
been on the back burner for the past few years- my health, spirituality and my
I have a lot of posts to write to catch you up on Christmas,
Cate’s 15 month letter and even the Project 52 I am attempting to participate in. But, today,
I leave you with this.
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-Brad Paisley
Let's do this 2013.
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