I was perusing pinterest the other day… aimlessly looking at
my feed. Usually when I am overwhelmed
at work, I avoid the stress and head to pinterest to clear my head. Some
days I get on a kick about a particular topic or idea but usually I just pin
stuff that I want to know more about or remember. I saw this pin. And ever
since then I have been thinking about it. Why I write. Even though I haven’t written with frequency lately.
This space started as a way of keeping family mostly in the
loop about my first pregnancy. I thought it would be a neat way to share
updates, pictures and information with anyone who wanted it, specifically my
parents because they are a couple of hours away.
But, now it is more.
So much more. This space is
capturing my memories. My stories. Our
life. Those small moments like I talked about last week that happen so fast and
are such a small part of any one day but they are the things I want to
remember. I want to remember the tiny moments that seem so inconsequential to
most but mean so much to me. I want to remember how Cate takes Brady his milk when
we get home every day and how much fun Brady has being superman at night with
his towel on his head after the bath.
But I also want this space to be a place where my kids get
to know me and who I am. What defines me. What drives me and why. So, I am committing today, really I am, to
answering these thirty prompts on Monday of each week. A little bit about me.
So one day, if they ever want to know more or need to know more, it will be
Want to join me?

love it! can't wait to see what you write!