Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mornings Like These...

When Brady has been up five times during the night because either his two year molars are busting through or he has what we suspect is croup I think about this picture. As I yawn through the morning, I think about this place. This moment. This day. This picture sums us up. No questions asked.

My absolute favorite wedding picture. Me, him, and a moment. Truly a moment when there was nothing but two people starting their lives together.

Now, I will find some coffee and snuggle my toddler and stare at my large stomach thinking how much things have changed in the past four years.


  1. I adore the look on his face as he looks at you...I got goosebumps looking at this pic -- it's beautiful!

    Thank you for linking up!

  2. What a wonderful wedding day snuggle!
