I am soaking up every smile, giggle, tear and moment with him because shortly there will be more of us, more to do, and unfortunately less time since I return to school next week. This kid, he melts me. He has my heart exploding with love like I never thought possible. He is fiercely protective of us, so serious and so silly all at the same time. He is 100% ours.
loves to say mama and dada
runs at a speed that is terrifying to me
gives the best hugs in each morning when he runs in to our room to wake us up
can't seem to stop playing with vehicles- trucks, ambulances, fire trucks, police cars, and just about anything else that has wheels
says "oh look or oh no" at least 100 times a day
watches "The Wiggles" "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and "Toy Story"
actually gets sad and whimpers when someone else is sad or you tell him someone is sad
can rough house with his dad for hours
loves to be airborne- whether it's in a swing or it is being thrown in the air
will help with anything we are doing from setting the table to sweeping the floor
could play in the water with buckets and shovels all day
wears 18-24 months or 2T depending on the brand
wears size 9 shoes
and size 5 diapers
He is my first, my son and soon to be my oldest.
Oh wow, he's really growing up!
ReplyDeleteBut how exciting for your family! Older brothers are such good protectors of their little sisters. How wonderful for your fam! <3