Brady's First Christmas was a great one! Although the weather tried to make it a little bit tough on us (can you say POURING RAIN ON CHRISTMAS EVE DAY AND NIGHT), we were able to celebrate with both sides of our family and spend time with everyone! Brady and I headed to Bloomington on Monday (12.21) to get ready for the big events with grandma and grandpa. We did some last minute shopping for dad and were able to enjoy some time with grandma and grandpa before everyone else arrived.
On Christmas Eve, Brady did not make it to church because mama was worried about all the crowds and sickness in church so dad and grandpa got a pass and stayed home.
He slept through opening gifts at both Grandma and Grandpa Witherows and Grandma and Grandpa Fischers houses!!! However, Brady was still totally spoiled by everyone... books, clothes, a handknit scarf, a bumbo, a high chair, an farmland activity mat, and more money for his 529 college plan just to name a few things...the boy came away with tons of great gifts!
Next year should be even more fun when he can rip the wrapping paper open himself!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Almost Two Months and SICK
Eight Weeks on Monday... Two Months on Saturday!
As a continuation from the last post...on the last night that Brady and I were in Bloomington, he woke up screaming bloody murder at 3am and refused to feed. I kept thinking "this is not my child" because he loves to eat and he is always sleepy when he wakes up to eat. After attempting to comfort him for almost two hours with NO SUCCESS I woke up grandma and she took over. By 11am the crying/screaming did not stop. Once it finally did, we put him in the car and headed straight home to Chicago.
All day and night Glenn and I watched him and we KNEW something was not right. We took his temperature and it was 102.2 so we called the pediatrician. She immediately sent us to Children's Memorial at 6pm. Without going in to all the details, like the fact they stuck him 7 times in the ER and never managed to get an IV in, Brady had blood, urine and spinal fluid drawn. He was admitted around 1am after a shot of antibiotics. The temperature finally broke in the middle of the night but not before mama cried a lot of tears and Brady screamed anytime someone touched him. Mama called in the reinforcements...
After grandma made an "emergency trip" to Chicago and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Fischer, Brady was on the road to recovery. Mom and dad were in worse shape than he was. He was still the perfect baby as nurses and doctors examined him, checked his vitals and stopped in our room. We were released fianlly and saw the ped yesterday and she confirmed he has a urniary tract infections which is bacterial. He has had three shots of antibiotics since Monday am and will be on antibiotics until the 28th when we have to go back to Children's Memorial for an U/S and other tests to ensure his kidneys are working properly. We asked how he got it and the answer is that we and the doctor hope it was a fluke from a stinky/blow out diaper but there is a SLIM chance it is because he has kidney reflux like adults get acid reflux which is causing old urine (which has bacteria in it )to infect new urine and not drain properly.
We will keep you posted but all in all he is back to his old self...smiling, cooing, staring at the pictures on the wall and eating like a champ!
All day and night Glenn and I watched him and we KNEW something was not right. We took his temperature and it was 102.2 so we called the pediatrician. She immediately sent us to Children's Memorial at 6pm. Without going in to all the details, like the fact they stuck him 7 times in the ER and never managed to get an IV in, Brady had blood, urine and spinal fluid drawn. He was admitted around 1am after a shot of antibiotics. The temperature finally broke in the middle of the night but not before mama cried a lot of tears and Brady screamed anytime someone touched him. Mama called in the reinforcements...
After grandma made an "emergency trip" to Chicago and a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Fischer, Brady was on the road to recovery. Mom and dad were in worse shape than he was. He was still the perfect baby as nurses and doctors examined him, checked his vitals and stopped in our room. We were released fianlly and saw the ped yesterday and she confirmed he has a urniary tract infections which is bacterial. He has had three shots of antibiotics since Monday am and will be on antibiotics until the 28th when we have to go back to Children's Memorial for an U/S and other tests to ensure his kidneys are working properly. We asked how he got it and the answer is that we and the doctor hope it was a fluke from a stinky/blow out diaper but there is a SLIM chance it is because he has kidney reflux like adults get acid reflux which is causing old urine (which has bacteria in it )to infect new urine and not drain properly.
We will keep you posted but all in all he is back to his old self...smiling, cooing, staring at the pictures on the wall and eating like a champ!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Over the River and Thru the Woods

To grandmother's house we go... literally! It has been such a fun week! He still got in his snoozes and got to wear his ducks! :)
Brady and I ventured to Bloomington on Tuesday this week and are staying until Sunday. My saint of a dad came to get us and brought us down for the week.
The weather has been awful and I have been dragging Brady all over the place as I try to Christmas shop! It quite a different experience with a wee one in tow. He has been a trooper...look at him in his car seat!

Lots of other things going on:
- back to work in 3 short weeks (really, has the time gone by that fast?)
- Glenn quit at Citi and started his own business (so proud of him and so exciting!)
- Brady will be two months old this week
- we hired a nanny!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Christmas Tree
On Tuesday, it was unseasonably warm. Since, the past two years, Glenn and I have carried a tree home in the snow and sleet we decided we better take advantage and get our tree. We bundled Brady up and walked to get the 2009 Fischer tree. While, I am not sure that Brady was awake for one minute of it, I think he looked adorable and helped us get a deal on our tree.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
We Are Thankful
Happy Thanksgiving from the Fischer's!
We had a great Thanksgiving! We started our day at Grandma and Grandpa Fischer's house in Tinley Park where Brady got to meet his GREAT GRANDMA BALEJA! We were so excited to introduce him to her and he was great all day as we ate turkey and hung out with the family! Besides, one small (no large) mishap, we were thankful to be surrounded by so many family members and all of the cuddling Brady got to do with everyone! (Thanks Aunt Rose, for showing Brady the lights and listening to Christmas music!)
After dinner we hopped in the car and headed to Bloomington so Brady could meet his GREAT GRANDMA PELLEGRINO! He slept the whole way down I-55 and when we got there he was more than willing to snuggle with his other Great Grandma and was a great baby again.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
One Month Appointment
Today we went to the pediatrician for Brady's one month appointment. Here are the stats:
Weight- 11 lbs. 5 oz (90th percentile)
Length - 22.5 inches (90th percentile)
The doctor said he is perfect...we think so too!
He got the second shot in the Dtap series. He screamed bloody murder and mama couldn't watch but he was back to him old self in five minutes.
The funny part of the day...So, I was nervous going to the doctor without Glenn because two is always better than one. We got there and he had a CLEAN diaper. We put him on the scale naked after taking off his diaper. I put a new diaper on him... and he instantly peed everywhere and it leaked through the diaper all over me. Great... funny and fixable. Then, Dr. Perlman comes in and right as she hands him back to me after probably thirty minutes, he poops. Oh great... diaper number three at the doctor. As I am wiping him, he poops again on the new diaper and on the table. On to diaper four....all I could do was smile because this is how it always goes with him and diapers!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Teaser Pic- Newborn Session

We had newborn pictures taken by Bryan Swisher last week... I don't want to reveal to many of my favorites because we are in the process of doing birth announcements and Christmas cards but here are some teasers.
Brady was so good for the pictures...he really did cooperate for the most part which was awesome!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Score= Mama 1 Brady 0 TONIGHT
I win for now... my child, while it is a sweet as can be has been giving us a run for our money at night with the sleeping situation. He refuses to sleep anywhere without one of us. The bed, the glider, or the couch...take your pick. Say what you want, but when you aren't sleeping a lot and your kid WILL NOT sleep in his bassinet, as close as it is to your bed, your instincts kick in and you pick him up and curl up in bed with him. I know, it is not a good practice, but I love listening to him breathe and he sleeps so soundly.
So, tonight, while daddy was away, mama knew Brady was really sleepy. So, she had a plan... and I think it just might have worked. After feeding him, I rocked him SOUNDLY to sleep, laid him in my palms and continued to let him sleep and then laid him in his CRIB! Who knows for how long, but it is a step in the right direction.
On a side note, we just got his newborn proofs! So precious... I will get a teaser pic up soon!
EDIT POST- As soon as I got upstairs, Brady had SPIT UP all over himself and woke himself up. EPIC FAIL for the crib time..... :(
So, tonight, while daddy was away, mama knew Brady was really sleepy. So, she had a plan... and I think it just might have worked. After feeding him, I rocked him SOUNDLY to sleep, laid him in my palms and continued to let him sleep and then laid him in his CRIB! Who knows for how long, but it is a step in the right direction.
On a side note, we just got his newborn proofs! So precious... I will get a teaser pic up soon!
EDIT POST- As soon as I got upstairs, Brady had SPIT UP all over himself and woke himself up. EPIC FAIL for the crib time..... :(
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Bath Time
Up to this point, Brady has been getting a sponge bath. But, since his cord finally fell off, we were finally able to give him a "real" bath and boy did he need one! Glenn and I were worried since it has not been a happy experience up to this point.
But, tonight I think we found out its one of Brady's new favorite places to be! The minute we put him in the warm water he was so calm and peaceful! Daddy does a great job of washing Brady and I do the organizing (getting the tub, clothes and towels ready, helping maneuver the little man and doing the drying)
With that being said, I have to tell you about the "product" we used. Its called Noodles and Boo and it is AMAZING. You can only get it at department stores and baby boutiques and it isn't exactly cheap (thanks grandma) but I can honestly tell you Glenn and I can't stop cuddling him nor can we get over how great he smells. We used all three, the shampoo, soap and lotion and I think we are hooked!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
2 Week Check Ups
Big week this week and it is only Wednesday....
Monday mama went to the doctor for her two week post c-section check. Everything looks good and I was given the green light to drive again! Yea! Still no lifting of the car seat, groceries or anything else but at least I am not home bound!
Tuesday, Brady went to the doctor for his check up. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 10 oz.! He regained all of his birth weight and a even picked up a couple more ounces! The doctor thinks that he is perfect and all is well! Mama asked a lot of questions but the appointment was uneventful and we will be back in two more weeks for our one month check up. One month...can you believe it?
Tomorrow is a big day for Brady... his newborn pictures are tomorrow morning!
Grandma Witherow is on her way and will be here until Friday when Grandpa picks her up! YEA!!!!!
Monday mama went to the doctor for her two week post c-section check. Everything looks good and I was given the green light to drive again! Yea! Still no lifting of the car seat, groceries or anything else but at least I am not home bound!
Tuesday, Brady went to the doctor for his check up. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 10 oz.! He regained all of his birth weight and a even picked up a couple more ounces! The doctor thinks that he is perfect and all is well! Mama asked a lot of questions but the appointment was uneventful and we will be back in two more weeks for our one month check up. One month...can you believe it?
Tomorrow is a big day for Brady... his newborn pictures are tomorrow morning!
Grandma Witherow is on her way and will be here until Friday when Grandpa picks her up! YEA!!!!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Ruling the Roost
Our little man has definitely made it clear that he is calling all of the shots in our house this week! He really has been a great baby! We went for our second walk this week! (Thank goodness for grandma... I would never have the courage to venture out alone!)
Brady was perfect yesterday as mama and grandma ventured out to Starbucks. He slept the entire time as we braved the rocky sidewalk with his stroller. He never made a peep as mama enjoyed/sipped her first cup of chai tea since giving birth....that was until we got home and he got fed!
Apparently, some spice in the chai tea DID NOT agree with Brady's belly and we paid for it all day yesterday. Fussy baby= fussy mama. Thank goodness grandma was here to calm both of us. So, I say farwell to chai tea so my baby is not fussy and gassy....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sleeping, Eating and Pooping....
We can't believe that Brady is 9 days old! He has already changed so much and we are SLOWLY adjusting to life with an infant. My mom has been here this week and honestly NOTHING will repay her for everything she has done for us. If it weren't for her I would be going on my fourth day with no shower, not be dressed and still sitting in the glider that Glenn left me in on Monday morning before she arrived. Mom and I took Brady to Starbucks yesterday and he was great!
Things Brady Loves:
- Eating... he is a good little eater who eats every three hours in during the day and 4 hours at night
- Sleeping... he loves to sleep and does it well. I count my lucky stars daily that we have a baby so far who sleeps contently in a cradle for extended periods of time. His favorite chest to sleep on is his dad's but as you can see he sleeps in his swing, on his uncle, or even on his mama's legs when he can.
- Pooping... I swear the kid has more gas and more poop than I have ever seen
- Diaper Change... he screams BLOODY MURDER every time we change his diaper. It does not matter what time of day or what activity took place before or after it, the boy hates being exposed
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Our Little, No Big Man is Finally Here!

Brady James Fischer arrived at 10:03AM on Monday, October 19th, 2009.
He weighed in at 9 lbs. 7 oz. and was 21 inches long.
The best part...this huge head of hair he has!
We are so in love with him already and looking forward to taking him home today!
PS- He has changed so much already and will post more pictures soon and maybe give you a glimpse into his birth story which is LONG!
PS- He has changed so much already and will post more pictures soon and maybe give you a glimpse into his birth story which is LONG!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Baby Fischer Update
So, for anyone who is wondering or reading, since I have not given this blog address out to very many people yet, apparently Baby Fischer is very happy inside and not real interested in coming out to meet all of us! Well, you ask what is next? The doctor is worried about my BP, swelling and fluid so I have to go back for a BP check on Thursday and then Monday an U/S to check growth and fluid. An induction will be scheduled at the appointment on Monday which terrifies me. I wish I could be happy and cherish these last few days of being pregnant but this has been really hard on my body! So, hurry up Baby Fischer.... we want to meet you!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
A Preview- The Nursery 85% Complete

I thought I would use to create a page to show the nursery. I am really happy with the way that it came out! Overall, I love the look and the gray paint which everyone wondered about!
I need to a get a 12 month frame hung and also two more pictures from Land of Nod on one of the walls!
The giraffe came from one of my students and it worked perfectly in the corner by the crib.
If you are wondering about the toy chest, it was mine from when I was a kid. My dad refinished it and the chest looks great and just like new. I am hoping it will be a toy chest for generations to come!
The furniture is Bonavita Peyton...which my parents graciously bought for us as well as our glider which I will get pics posted of soon as well!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Welcome To Our Blog
So, first of all welcome! I started keeping a blog when I found out we were expecting last February but my best laid plans got derailed and I stopped blogging about being pregnant at 23 weeks. So, this is my feeble attempt to get back in the blogging spirit and keep everyone in the loop about the news and happenings at the Fischer household. Most importantly, the news and events surrounding Baby Fischer who is scheduled to make an appearance sometime in the next few weeks. Hope you enjoy reading and following our blog as we navigate life in the city, a new house, and new baby!
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