I started this huge post going thru month by month highlighting what was happening in our lives and I realized that a) it was a lot of work and b) if you read this blog regularly then you don't want to read them all again. Most of the things in our year were normal, typical and nothing extraordinary. But we did have some highs and some lows.
2011 has been a year full of joy, frustrations, happiness, tears, change and even a cast. Some of the days in the past year have drug on but the year has really flown by. If I am being honest, while my eyes are tired and my brain is swirling with "to dos" I want to just stop. Pause. Reflect. And remember all that has happened this year. As I sit here and type, I can't help but remember that this time last year, I did not even know that our sweet Cate would be entering the world.
When I look back at those posts in the early weeks of her life, I am catch myself staring at her face. I start to think about how much she has already changed. How much bigger she is. And I am willing myself to remember. To remember her. In all her newborn goodness.
My favorite post, the one that still brings tears to my eyes, is here. His first days of daycare after being with a nanny for 18 months. A while it pains me to read it and remember, I am inspired when I see how far he has come.
Every time I write to him, my eyes well with tears. Maybe it's because when I go back to read what I wrote I am instantly transported to that moment in time.
As we close out 2011, I thankful for the year that has passed and the hopeful for the things to come in 2012. Happy New Years Friends!
What sweet posts to go back and read! Happy New Year, my friend!