It's funny how something as simple as a cast felt so restricting to me as a mother and I wasn't the one wearing it. It's funny how that cast represented, because I tend to be a glass half empty person, all the things we couldn't do. Yet, we could. And then it came off. But I was also four weeks farther along in my second pregnancy so "doing" got tougher exponentially. Add the heat and humidity to the mix and this summer has been a hot mess for lack of a better word. So can't do seems to be stuck in my head.
Side Note: As I sat down to write today, in the comfort of my parents' family room, I was thinking about all the things I need to share. I have so many updates including things going on in and about our house, my mother' s guilt and sadness over my only becoming a big, the nursery that was once filled with zoo animals that has changed into a chic pink and gray sanctuary, meeting a tiny newborn and watching one my closest friends seamlessly transition into being a mama, my obsessions on Pinterest and more. So, like any planner, who by the way is IN LOVE with her new MomAgenda, I decided the old blog is going to change. I am going to become more organized in posting, writing, editing and making sure that I talk about other things that I enjoy. I also am moving to wordpress so bear with me here for the next few months as CHANGE will be the key word in our household.
I had this bucket list this summer of "things" that Brady and I were going to do. Seriously, I wrote it out this spring when I was daydreaming about summer days in the city. I wrote it as I thought about this being the last summer where he would have 100% of my attention all the time. As the days have marched on and the heat, my second pregnancy and some others things have gotten in the way I thought I should simplify the list and just try to do a few things and do them right.
When I think about the heat and humidity, I find myself missing my pool days. I spent every summer day there as a kid before high school. And then I started working there all the way through college. I love being around the water. I love being outside and I have always wanted my kids to love humid nights catching lightning bugs, the cool water to splash in on hot days and the way sunshine can instantly make you happier. When we spent spring break in Florida, Brady was still observing the water world. He sat on the edge a lot, played with his toys on the ledge but didn't do a lot of swimming...unless you count jumping in the waves.
This summer... whole new world with water. My kid oves the water. We have a water table, a small baby pool in our backyard, and the hose/sprinkler is our greatest enjoyment when we are home. And the past two days we have gone to Anderson Pool in Normal, IL for toddler time. Awesome concept. Open the toddler pool ONLY in the am to toddlers and their parents. No big kids, no big pool, just a zero depth pool where toddlers can roam. We have spent two mornings playing in this pool, slowly watching as he gets more daring and joy overcomes fear. Yet it has never failed that Brady has begged to go in the big pool when it opens. He went from sitting on the side to now jumping in, kicking his legs, squealing in delight as you tickle his toes from underwater, dunking his own head and refusing to get out or to leave and just saying more, more more. . And, I have to admit, I love it! I also love the monster nap he takes as a result as well!

When not down at my parents, I have tried to expose Brady to water. We live in Chicago where the park district pools aren't the best for clientele or ease with a 21 month old so I ventured to Wilmette, IL to Centennial Pool last week one day. To my delight, they do toddler time too! Seriously, whoever thought this up, is a genius in my eyes. One zero depth pool, open in the am to toddlers only. We played with buckets and trucks and had a ball. The water thing, we have it figured out. It makes us hungry and thirsty if you can't tell!

And then there are the days when the pool just isn't an option. We have had two extremes this summer; hot, humid and sunny or these monster storms. Buckets of rain that last forever and have everyone in the Windy City running for cover.
Last Friday, Brady's aunt wanted to spend some time with us. It had been unbearably hot all week so we said toddler time at the pool would be perfect! But, of course, the weather said otherwise. I had been reading about Pickles Playroom since it opened this spring. Located in Lincoln Square, it is an indoor play space that has a cafe and hair salon attached. I knew that Brady would love it so we ventured there. I could write a whole other post ranting about the "latte moms" who did not play, watch, or discipline their kids, but instead I will tell you this...the place is worth every penny. The play space is awesome. Laura, Brady and I spent two hours there (which was plenty) and the fun was all around us. One week, two cool outings.

I only have two weeks of summer vacation left when I return from Bloomington, so I am thinking that Wagner Farms and Foster Avenue Beach are musts but I am trying to figure out if I am missing anything. I am sure I am but remember, the list had to be cut down.

I am excited that you are making the jump to wordpress as well! :-) And what cute photos of B!