Tidbits of Talk
Happy Friday Friends! I am back with Tidbits of Talk because
it is probably my favorite post of the week and I feel like I have so much to
say and haven’t been doing it lately. We are headed to TWO weddings this weekend
and then are essentially off for three weeks of vacation. Lots of pool, beach
and other adventure time coming our way so I am sure I will have plenty to
share on this blog and pictures overload.
~ I got a message from a college friend on Fb letting me
know she reads this little blog and asking my advice about something. For me
that was all I need to keep writing for a while. We were friends in college,
lost touch, and yet 10 years later I find myself reconnecting with her as we
discuss motherhood instead of what bar to start drinking at on a Saturday
~I am obsessed with Coke right now. Not Diet Coke. Real
sugary coke. From McDonald's. It is $1.10 with tax. Someone stop me please. This is going nowhere
good. I am staying up later, sleeping worse and the calories and sugar can’t be
good for me. I drink very little pop but right now it is my daily obsession.
~I took Brady to the beach on Tuesday. I was trying to
figure out how to get sunscreen on my back. I asked him to spray his on me
since he knows how to do it and loves to make is spray. I figured some of it would end up on my back.
Nope. Nada. Zilch. Zero. So, I have one bright red back to show for it.
~I have been selling stuff like crazy on Craigslist. I am on
a tear right now and my husband is pleased because we are getting rid of things
from our house. I would love to do
something fun with the cash but I am thinking it will go to buying Cate’s nanny
a nice double stroller if we are in the city or to buy Brady a strider bike. Any recommendations for a double stroller? Hard to justify $600 when Brady is not totally interested in riding in one daily.
~I took Brady to Trader Joe’s this week. Weird place. I
still just don’t get the obsession some people have about it but he loved being
able to push his own cart and put things in it. The employees were great but I
am still not sold on the food. I couldn’t find much that I thought my family
would eat so I am not sure I can work it in to my groceries.
~One minute my mama tells me my flowers are “too wet” and
now I am pretty sure they are dead. The summer heat is making me look
incompetent in the gardening arena. I am
terrified to even try to grow basil at this point. What gives? I have never had
issues keeping flowers alive like this before.
~Cate is so close to crawling. Watch out everything. I fear
for Brady and his toys the most.
~Cate has all these crazy teeth and she is getting more. So
many more that must be so painful that she is biting her own wrist leaving bite
marks and bruises to show for it. Breaks my mama heart…

~ We spent some unplanned and planned time with one of Brady’s
oldest friends and his mama yesterday. It’s weird. She and I are both so busy with
our lives, jobs, families etc…yet yesterday I was reminded quickly why I see
her as such a good friend, enjoy any time I spend with her and look forward to
our kids growing up together.

Happy weekend! The pride parade is in town here which means
traffic jams and people everywhere! See you next week!
MM fountain coke. The best.