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"I will smile all day at the doctor when I am not the one being poked and prodded" |
Friday, April 27, 2012
Tidbits of Talk {Volume 15}
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Brady {2.5 Edition}
So, I have sat down to right an update on Brady no less than five times and each time I walk away from my computer feeling defeated. I can't seem to put in to words how I am feeling right now when I think about him. I can't seem to articulate the fact that he has a huge part of my heart that I will never get back and I am okay with that for now. Maybe it's because I see how far he has come and the baby in him is gone. And it might have something to do with the fact that life is getting easier and I know in my heart that our family complete and there is no looking back only what lies ahead. Or maybe it is because he is my oldest and my boy. Regardless, I get emotional about him because I love him with ever fiber of my being.

He is a gentle giant. He is so very big for his age in height. He wears a size 10 shoe which is huge. But, he is gentle. So, very gentle in all the right ways. He oozes empathy, asking Cate if she okay when she cries. He says sorry even when he does not need to. He is inclusive giving us one of anything he is eating and sharing with Cate his food by feeding her himself. Most weekend days he will let us rock with him when he wakes from his nap. He lets Glenn rub his head every night as he winds down before bed. And when I carry him upstairs to go to bed, he finds that place on my shoulder where his head fits perfectly so his breath is felt on my neck and he melts in to me.
Sure, he has his moments. No and why seem to reign supreme in our house right now and there are moments when I look at Glenn bewildered by his behavior only to laugh at him three minutes later. He know what he wants and he usually finds a way to get it. I worry that the days at daycare being one of twelve is what makes him so passive and hope that we are giving him everything he needs. He soothes himself. When he was a baby it was in the form of sucking his upper lip, now he picks his lips. He picks them until they bleed which kills me because I know that he has had a rough day.
Brady and I spend a lot of time together since we commute together, I drop him off and pick him up at daycare and I get him ready in the morning. I can tell you how the morning goes the minute I get him out of bed. He is predictable, stubborn and all boy.

I asked him in the car to do what he loved. His response was, "umm...mama, cars, cheese and milk". Pretty fitting don't you think?
Friday, April 13, 2012
Tidbits of Talk {Volume 14}
~ We have five showings this weekend. We have hit 30+ showings. I am tired of trying to keep our house clean. I am tired of trying to keep Brady from being a 2.5 year old and not letting him get toys out. I am tired of having my kids in the car and making the lap around the block while some stranger looks at my house and decides it is not for them. In some ways I feel dirty… all these strangers in my house looking at my pictures, examining my decorating or lack thereof and deciding that our home is not good enough for them.
~My SIL, Laura, found out she is having a baby girl. She is due right around Cate’s 1st birthday. I am already excited for Cate to have a cousin close to her in age and the same gender. I just know that they will have a special relationship.
~ I feel out of balance right now. I feel like there are so many things I would like to be doing and yet I can’t manage to get anything done or focus on one thing. My mind races 1,000,000 miles a minute. I am counting down until summer and I am committed to making a plan for each week that includes things to do with my kids, me things and family things that I just need to deal with.
~Speaking of time, I am obsessed with the Shades of Gray Trilogy. Have you read it? Oh my god. Sometimes, I hide my ipad if I am reading public places because the content is so inappropriate. The sex scenes are crazy but the plot is thick and I am hooked.
~So right now everything is all mommy all the time. And, yes I am grateful that I am the chosen one for bedtime, baths and teeth right now because for a long time I was not. However, I am spent and frustrated. My husband is willing and capable of helping but Brady just won’t let him do. So after doing it all with Cate, I get to do it with Brady and then there is no time left for me. And no time for Glenn and I because bottles still need to be made, bags packed and I usually have emails to reply to and papers to grade. Most people reading would say that Glenn should take over with Cate. Easier said than done because that is the only time I get with her and I need it.
~ Have you seen these two You Tube videos. If this is where we are headed, I am excited and scared for what the future holds.
Happy Weekend Friends!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Easter- Eggs, Family and Food
Easter Weekend was well- full of bunnies and flowers and eggs. Just like it is supposed to be when you dream about a perfect weekend. We were so lucky that it included both sides of our family, two gorgeous spring days complete with birds chirping and the sun shining and food, good family food that defines our two sides. I even laid on a blanket in my in-laws yard for twenty minutes in silence. Bliss I tell you.
I wish I could tell you that Cate was dressed in a pretty Easter dress and that Brady was in some attire that was Sunday church appropriate but that didn’t happen. We didn’t even make it to church. I vow next year we will but this year, well it just wasn’t in the cards.
Growing up I remember going to my Great Aunt Pat and Uncle Bob’s house every Easter to have an Easter egg hunt even after we knew the Easter bunny did not exist. They had this yard that was perfect. It was big and flat and full of places to hide eggs. The big winner was the person who found the egg with the $20 bill. I knew I had to recreate this for Brady even if it was just him.
The Easter Bunny came, a day early, to our house and the eggs were everywhere in our yard. There was no money. Just M’s (M&M’s in his terms) and jelly beans. He used his basket and found them. And then when he opened each egg and realized what was inside, his face lit up.
Even when he opened the egg and the treats did not make it in to his basket.
We convinced him that the pink ones were for her. And there were even treats she could eat in the form of cheerios inside.
There was a lot of sugar and then the letdown. This is how we found him on Sunday morning before we left for the suburbs.
Happy Tuesday friends!
Friday, April 6, 2012
Tidbits of Talk {Volume 13}
Happy Friday! Gosh, this little meme of mine has gone by the wayside the past few weeks (4 to be exact}because life has just gotten in the way. But, it’s back and I am ready to chat if anyone is reading.
~ This week has been good. It’s simple. Our household, in my opinion, is just in a good place. Maybe it’s because I have seen my parents last weekend and will see them tomorrow. Or maybe it’s because I made it to the gym three of the past six days. Or maybe it’s because my husband and I are just in a rhythm when it comes to our daily lives. Regardless, this week was good.
~ For the first spring since I started teaching, I have not been on a softball diamond this spring. I miss it. I really miss it. I miss getting dirty. I miss watching that kid who works so hard crank a ball over the fence. I miss talking to the other coaches about who should play where. But, my family is my priority. And right now and my littles need their mama at night and I need them. I can’t imagine not seeing them before they go to bed. I am hoping next spring to come back part-time just to fill my need to coach but still be home with my kids.
~ Instagram came to the Android. This is huge. Huge news people. I have watched in envy as iphone users have filled my twitter stream and facebook news feed with pictures and now I am in the club. My user name is kristifischer. Find me. I have not had a chance to play with it but I am hoping this weekend I will have my chance.
~ I find myself wanting to create an anonymous blog where NOTHING is sacred and can’t be written about. I am struggling in this space to find the voice I want to be while making sure I don’t cross lines, upset others and stay true to who I am and what I believe in.
Happy Easter! The Easter Bunny will be visiting our house and I can’t wait.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Cate- 7 Months
You love your stinking feet.