Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Saturday {Making Memories}

I wrote a calendar out for the month of December with all of the blog posts that I wanted to write and I have veered off schedule. This blog was pretty quiet last week as a result of the usual family stuff…icky illnesses, busy schedules and just time. 

This weekend was supposed to be full of friends but Cate succumbed to pneumonia after three trips to the pediatrician and five weeks of a cough and congesting so we collectively decided that getting together was not the best idea.

{Edit: Since writing this we also have a confirmed diagnosis for Cate of pertussis (whooping cough). Poor poor girl…}

 I would have loved to celebrate the season with friends, but after last weekend and the calendar of events leading up to Christmas including this weekend we settled in with no plans for Saturday.  No plans turned in to memories being made in my house and that makes me happy and renews my belief that this truly is a magical time of the year.

Growing up my mama bought my brother and me a new ornament every year.  And growing up, it was tradition to put them on the tree each year and marvel at each one as it went up.  This tradition is deeply embedded in my Christmas spirit and I have passed it on to my own family.  And this year, we let Brady pick out his own ornament at Macys.   Any guesses what he picked?

And, Cate well she got a cupcake. 

And after naps for all, we decided to venture to the city.  Since, having Brady we have visited the Lincoln Park Zoo for their Zoo Lights every year.   We question every year why we are going as the bitter wind whips in our face off the lake, we battle the horrible parking and bumper to bumper traffic to get there and then we actually enter the zoo those complaints disappear. 

The look on his face makes it worth it.  We looked at the lights, even got to see the tiger which Brady was convinced was looking for his mommy and daddy and rode the merry go round.  A zebra for Brady and a panda bear for Cate, who pet her animal the entire time.

As we walked in to daycare Monday morning, Brady exclaimed, “Ms. Adrian, I wrode the erry go round. I rode a zebra and we saw a tiger.” That, that memory from my three year old makes it worth it.  

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

All I Want For Christmas

The older I get, the less I really want or need.  Honestly, I really want for very little but being a girl, I always can come up with some things. So, here are just a few things that I would love for Christmas.  And no, ma and Glenn that doesn't mean you have to buy any of these things! These are things that I can wait for well at least most of them.  I would just love #1, #3, #4 and #5….pretty please.

1. Yoga Mat Bag- Since going to yoga, I have noticed how many people have a bag to put their mat in.  Makes sense right? I unroll it, wipe it down but after class is over it sits in the locker room as I get dressed and then gets thrown in to my car trunk until I need it again. Dirt, germs and just gross stuff is on it.   I love this one and think it would be perfect. Don’t you?

2. 50mm F1.5 lens- Since getting my Nikon and taking my Clickin Moms class, I realize that I want  this lens. But I am not sure I NEED this lens. I am thinking it is a good little incentive when I get better with my camera.   Haven’t you ever wondered how people have their subject in focus and the background blurry? Well so did I until I started looking at pictures taken with this lens. And by the way, I am still frustrated but I am going to try my best to keep learning and get my money out of the class!

3. Running Shoes- Every year, my MIL buys me a new pair of running shoes and I swear by Brooks. Specifically, I wear the Adrenaline GTS line and love them. And since I am back to working out, I think a new pair of kicks is just what the doctor ordered. Don’t you?

4. Dust Buster- I hate the crumbs, and dirt, and just stuff that is on our floors with two small kids. I hate it. I hate that we have to sweep every night. And last night, after taking off a couch cushion, I almost passed out from the amount of crumbs on the couch.  I want a quick picker upper for these little crumbs that seem to be everywhere in my house. I know that you shouldn't ask for appliances etc...but I really want one. 

5. I love cute address labels. I love sending mail. But, I am secretly jealous of those people that have a return address stamp. How cute is this one? I have to believe over time you save money if you use one of these stamps. Don't you think? 

6. Head Board- So, we need a new head board. Two moves later, our bed is bogus. It squeaks and the posts under the bed keep falling out.  I love the idea of a tufted one with no foot board because I can’t tell you how many times one of us bangs our legs on the end board. 

So, tell me what do you want for Christmas?

Friday, November 30, 2012

Tidbits of Talk

Gosh darn this week just flew by and tomorrow it is going to be December. Are you kidding me? I just can’t even wrap my head around the fact that December is here and that Christmas is coming and New Years and spring and oh my gosh I am just getting ahead of myself. Anyways, here we are. Another week in the books. Lots of quick updates for you.

~My leg is in better shape this week. The recovery from my first procedure was really bad and painful and I think it was my vanity that got the best of me because on day 2 I thought I was “tough” and didn’t need the ugly compression stocking and the back of my leg is still sore.  This time around I wore them for two days and my leg feels pretty good… I even got a decent workout in Wednesday. Let’s hope my appointment Monday goes well.

~ So the Clickin Moms thing…gonna go out there and say I am really disappointed in the course. It was expensive, clearly not for beginners, and the material is poorly constructed. I don’t know what I was thinking but I was hoping that it was truly going to teach me how to start from the beginning and it has not done that for me.  I was thinking it was going to be a step by step and really walk me thru shooting in manual.  Plus, the people taking it are not beginners and have all kinds of crazy time I don't seem to have right now.  I am frustrated and about one click of my camera away from throwing in the towel all together. Kinda sucks…

~ I am obsessed with tying scarves.  Glenn caught me red-handed on Thanksgiving following step by step instructions from this pinterest post to doing a figure 8 knot.  I love it and love finding the ways to make scarves look full and fluffly.

~Speaking of scarves, have you seen these gorgeous cowls from Ann Taylor Loft. I love them… might need to go on my Christmas list. (Don’t worry a complete list is coming soon.)

~A trip Second City and dinner with good friends, the male happens to be Glenn’s business partner,  to celebrate their business this weekend.   Hotel room, good food, drinks and some laughs sounds like the perfect way to kick off the holiday season. I will probably be spamming your Instagram feeds with images from the city.

Happy Friday friends! Hope you are in the spirit! Have a great weekend!   

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Leg {Not The Turkey Type}

The entire time I was pregnant with sweet Cate I was in pain. My back and my right leg were in a constant state of pain.  Walking hurt, picking up Brady and even sitting at work hurt.  Throbbing, pulsing pain on a daily basis that literally brought me tears on occasion. Towards the end of my pregnancy I would fight tears in the car driving anywhere and usually let them fall at night when the day was over because I was just so sore.  I complained to no avail.  Everyone I saw in my OB practice kept telling me that once I delivered it would go away.  My OB said I could do physical therapy but she didn't think it would help.  And I thought I was tougher than the pain and just needed to get over it.   I swear I complained every day.  Ask Glenn.  He heard about it for 9 long months. And then I delivered my sweet girl.

All 8 pounds 12 ounces of her, which I thought was small since Brady was a whopping 9 pounds  7 ounces.  But, the pain did not go away. Not one bit. For her entire first year between ignoring it, exhaustion and life, I just never dealt with my right leg.  It hurt but so many things hurt,  mentally and physically,  that I just didn't have the strength to deal with my leg.  I thought it was me being out of shape and my body adjusting to no longer carrying a baby and maybe getting older.  

But this summer, I got to a point where playing at the park with Brady was becoming hard to do without pain.  So, I took the referral I had for over a year in my wallet and made an appointment. I met with a doctor who used to be in my OB practice and switched to vascular medicine after starting a family of her own.  The news was not great. Most of the valves in my large and small saphenous veins in my right leg were collapsed.  The blood was pooling around my knee causing the pain and the bulging in the back of my leg. The swelling was getting worse.  I was so sore that I wasn't sleeping through the night because my leg ached and I had to prop it up when I was cooking dinner or watching tv at night just to try to control the aching.  

I needed to have a series of procedures to remedy the pain with actually no guarantee that they would work.  I waited until it was cold to schedule them since I knew my leg would not look great and I would need to wear a compression stocking.  My fear got the best of me the first time I scheduled the appointments so I cancelled two days before they were supposed to happen.  And I rescheduled for November. I knew this needed to happen.  And two procedures later I am so hoping I am done because the thought of the needles and lasers haunt me.  The original pain is gone. That is good news.  The recovery has been far harder than I thought.  This is bad news. 

And my leg well it is not looking so good…but here’s to hoping I can play at the park, maybe run a half marathon and be pain free. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012



Happy Thanksgiving Family and Friends. May your day be filled with gratitude for all you have, contentment for where you are and the peace that comes with being surrounded by loved ones! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Click It


I joined Clickin Moms over a year ago. I read in the forums, I watch tutorials infrequently, and yet I still need some help.  If I am being honest, I need a lot of help.  

I received a gorgeous camera for Christmas, compliments of my husband, two years ago. And ever since then, I have wanted to master shooting in manual.   But, I haven’t.  I haven’t made time for myself, to learn about my camera, and take those pictures I am dying to have and truly master my Nikon.    I have learned some things but not enough to feel confident in my shooting.    But, I still shoot and find myself wanting more.  And, I am not sure what convinced me to sign up as fast as I did but when the registration opened, I did and I am ready.  So, today that all changes.  Today starts my first Clickin Moms class.  I am taking shooting 101: the best darn beginner course ever.  And, I am hoping it is just that. A beginning, to get me started, to motivate me to shoot more. 

Just in time for pictures in front of the Christmas tree…I hope. I will share my journey and hopefully you will see some pictures that are worth looking at that aren't from Instagram! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

5 Things I am Loving- November

Five Things I Am Loving- November
Well hello November. Fancy you making your entrance so quickly and being almost half over.  You know what though? I don’t mind you even though most people think you signify the beginning of winter, I tend to think November kicks off the holiday season which I find to be the most magical time of the year.

So, what am I loving right now? Let me tell you…

I don’t do scented soaps that overwhelm me.  Honestly, most of my life I used bar soap.  I used whatever we had in the house. And then recently, I got on the Philosopshy kick. I still love it. But, it doesn’t really make suds and I like that for some reason. So, I tried Aveeno at in-law’s house one time and I loved it. The smell is faint, it keeps my skin moist, the bottle lasts forever and there is oatmeal in the soap to help keep my skin soft. I love it and I am just now realizing it is my go to soap.

Have you heard of them? I hadn’t until my mama told me after she saw them on HGTV.  Their flagship store is in Chicago and so far I love the concept, the look and not to mention the cost.  You get to pick your color, your pattern, your size and your texture and with a few EASY assembly stickers you have a new rug. 
Heath Bars
I am on a true candy high from Halloween and the little mini Heath bars are hands down my favorite.  I don’t what it is about them but last week I picked up lunch and I got a heath bar as part of it. Clearly, I need some help but the toffee is so good. I found myself looking on pinterest for recipes that use Heath bars. Yesterday, I had a mini heath blizzard and I bought toffee at Costco on Sunday. Sounds like I have a problem right? 

Footed Jammies
It’s no secret if you follow me on instagram that I am love footed jammies and I love them on little boys even more. Maybe it’s because I feel like I am losing the “baby” in him but there is such innocence when they wear those jammies. He wouldn't wear them last winter but this winter he is all about them and I am not complaining.

Christmas Music
The Christmas music is already playing on the radio. I know I know respect the turkey in November but I just can’t help it.  It is loud and Brady exclaims every day when we get in the car “I hear Christmas” and that well that is enough to make me smile. What is it about the music that just makes me calmer, focused on family and ready to tackle the holidays and enjoy every ounce of them?

Bring it on December. I am ready for you because I love just almost everything about you! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Under The Big Top

Glenn saw a commercial that the circus was in town. I was not excited. He was. Typical. He thought Brady would really love it and but we both agreed it would be a great reward to a good start on potty training.

We asked him if he wanted to go and he said yes to see the clowns.

He told us all week that he wanted to see the clowns with the funny faces.

I was more excited that we were going to get an afternoon with our first born because I think it is important to give him some individual attention and Cate was content to stay with her nana and papa (my in-laws).  So, off we went.

He insisted on holding our hands in to the arena

It was a quick trip from our house.

We bought a sword, two soft drinks, some popcorn, cotton candy and a slushy when all was said and done for $75. Criminal prices I tell you especially if you consider he didn't even like the cotton candy and the slushy was a nightmare to eat in its clown cup.

But it was worth it.

Using the afterglow app on my iphone

He was mesmerized.  And he danced in his seat. And he watched with anticipation, waiting, smiling and staring.  There were clowns and elephants and lions and tigers and guys on motorcycles on a wire.  That was plenty for him. And for me.

elephants in a terrible picture

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tidbits of Talk

Tidbits of Talk

Hi Friends and Family! Happy Friday! Another week has gone by. Seriously, this school year is flying by. Before you know it we will be signing up for summer camps and getting spring planting plans going. Hint hint dad…

 ~ Let’s talk about the age of the three. It is plain MADDENING. I mean really MADDENING. The highs, the lows, the screaming, the crying and oh the whining that comes along with being three. I may need to tap out for this year and come back when this phase has passed because it is for the birds.

~ Parent Teacher Conferences. 5 minutes each. I have over 100 kids on my roster this year. My mouth is dry from talking. Some five minutes sessions seem like 500 and others seem like 5 seconds. They are over and that is what matters.

~We are going to the circus on Saturday. We are going with just Brady. He deserves it and I think it is going to rock his world! Stay tuned.

~ I had a lunch date with my husband this week. How refreshing.  How nice to talk to him with no distractions besides ESPN on the TV.  How nice to just have some time with him even if it was only an hour. It’s true…I love him more now than I did a year ago.

~ I think I am pretty physically fit. I am by no means in great shape but I can hold my own. Until this week when I went to yoga sculpt. Have you tried it? I love it. It combines traditional yoga poses with sculpting moves using weights. Think Warrior 2 and lateral raises at the same time.  It is tough, sweaty, one hour and an awesome workout.  I usually do fine but today on two occasions, I found myself resorting to “resting” in child’s pose while these 40 something women in all their lululemon gear just kept going. Was it a tad embarrassing?  Yes,  but it is darn good motivation to get back at it and get stronger, leaner and healthier. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Potty Training

Warning: If you don't want to read about potty training just close your browser. This post is only about using the potty and all of its glory...nothing more nothing less.  

Three years later we have never attempted potty training. Mostly because most of my friends encouraged me to wait until he showed signs of being ready or else it would backfire.  The only thing that I knew was that when we did it, I wanted it to work the first time with no looking back.  And frankly, Brady had shown zero signs of interest so we have been in diapers for the first three years of his life.  Honestly,  I WAS tired of people asking about it with clear judgment in their tone- people for the most part that didn't have kids- why he wasn't trained and why he still wearing diapers. But other than that, him being in diapers worked for us.

I wrote quickly one Friday about my love for my pediatrician so when had Brady’s three year well visit rolled around and she told me to at least give potty training a try, I knew it was time.  Let me preface this with we did nothing to prepare. We did not read any books, we did not do any planning and we only own a potty because my mother in law bought one a while back and brought it over.   I did talk to one of my good friends about it because her daughter is trained, even for naps and nighttime, so I got some good tips from her before starting but we really went in blind. 

Saturday morning we took his diaper off with no expectations. We did bribe him and even lure him by showing him a bowl full of new toys that he could have if he peed in the potty.  He could hold the toys but they couldn't be taken out of the wrapper until he peed in the potty. We watched him like a hawk.  We kept asking him if he needed to go.  We got a lot of nope, no, I don’t need to potty and more. We had a couple of small accidents. Not full blown pee in the pants. Just not getting to the potty in time.  And then it happened. The moment the light bulb went off and we had lots of pee in the potty and we caught it ahead of time.  We did this crazy dance and celebrated like it was New Years but it worked. He got it. 

{For the record the kid must have a bladder the size of Texas because he was holding it for hours and we were pumping him with liquid. We were setting the timer every 20 minutes and it turned in to every hour and he still wasn't going. }

He woke up dry from his nap on Saturday and dry the next morning. I was not about to tackle this part of potty training but I was encouraged.  We were making strides. He was telling us he needed to go potty and then he was going. On Sunday, he would tell us. He wouldn't always go but he would tell us he needed to potty and we would race to sit down.  He had an accident when he was busy playing, my fear all along, but it wasn't bad.  We had two pretty successful days.  Long days since the freaking time changed….what were we thinking by the way? 

Daycare and potty training has not been good. I don’t know who to be frustrated with- myself for working, my kid or the daycare. First day, Monday, we batted .500 and I was feeling okay but had an accident at night. Tuesday, we started off with a huge victory before we left for school but today as school has been horrible.  To the point that it is regression at its finest. Tuesday night, was awesome. Pee in the potty and poop in the potty. So, now I am troubled by what is causing him not to use the potty at school and why the accidents.  I know that this will be the hard part. 

{I should admit that after reflecting on this experience my biggest hesitation was the fear of failure. I was so scared that it wouldn't work, I would look like a failure as a mom and it would reflect poorly on me.  So, I told very few people that we were even tackling this.}

Why I am telling you all of this? To show I am human, scared to fail and so stinking proud of my kid.  To tell you that there is NO harm in waiting.  To tell you that my kid is growing up. And to show you a ridiculously cute photo of him. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


I had no expectations for Halloween this year. Honestly, if you know me pretty well, you would know that Halloween is just not my favorite holiday. It's not that I hate it. It is just not my favorite. I don't get the obsession with dressing up and running around. Maybe it is because I am a teacher and it takes on a whole new meaning when you are dealing with high school kids and costumes.  Regardless, the past two years we have done very little because Brady was little and just didn't get it.  

Last year, he spent more time and had more fun handing out candy than actually trick or treating. This year started much the same. Yesterday morning he wanted nothing to do with wearing his costume to school. We got to school and then he wanted to put it on. And two minutes later he was screaming he wanted it off now.  So, I was convinced he would not wear it all day or for the parade his preschool had through our school. But he did...and he was even smiling. 

When we got home, once again the suburbs did not disappoint. Holy cow, our block was crazy. Full of kids running from house to house, parents drinking beer and warm coffee as they walked with kids or stood outside handing out candy, and every house was decorated to get in the spirit of Halloween. (Note: We need to decorate next year.)

Glenn got Brady excited and his costume went on. Our fireman was ready to trick or treat. And his "fire dog" well she was ready too. They set off and two houses in he ran back to our house to show me the candy he got.  He was so excited.  And I will be honest, I was proud and in that small moment Halloween started to mean so much more.

 The "fire dog" satyed with me for the rest of the night. It was cold...really cold. She stood at the door and elicited a lot of collective "ohs" and "ahs" and "shes so cute" comments as people came to our door. 

Our fireman made it up and down the entire block. And when he got home, he had just as much fun answering the door and handing out candy to the late trick or treaters like last year. 

Maybe, just maybe I can become a believer of this day...bring it on Christmas!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tidbits of Talk

Okay, so Friday has gotten here much quicker than I would have liked and I have some quick recaps to give you and a couple of big posts I need to get up as well but as it is becoming the norm, I am behind. I am thinking this might be the story of my life for the next oh 20 years of my life….Anyways enough babble…

No socks in October
~ We have been in the suburbs for almost three months and yet I still go in the city for two things- my haircuts and take my kids to the pediatrician. It drives my husband and mother crazy.  They think the hair thing is nuts. But here is the thing- it is important and they are open late and those are two big factors in my decision to drive down there once every six weeks. And if I am being honest, even though I drive in traffic, it is one of the only times I am in the car alone and it is quiet.  As for the pediatrician, the bottom line is that I think this is one of the most important relationships I have and so far it is worth every mile and minute we spend to see her. Am I crazy here?

~ The weather has been spectacular for Chicago in late October. Seriously amazing. And while it is coming to an end today, I have enjoyed having the windows open, watching Brady run in our grass with no shoes on one final time and the fact that jackets are optional. I guess I shouldn't be greedy and should just be grateful I don’t have think about “Frankenstorm” this weekend. 

Yes, my gauge said 81. 
~ Yesterday, I woke up and before I was out of bed, I just knew that I didn't really want to face the day. Do you ever have those days? I trudged through the day pretty grumpily and I knew, just knew, if I did something physical I would be in better spirits. So, I got an awesome albeit fast workout in and it was just what I needed. Exercise is my therapy. I think we all have something don’t we?

~ This weekend is full of a new sports class for Brady, date night with my man to watch the ND/Oklahoma game and maybe even a Halloween parade if the weather isn't too bad.

~Can you believe it is almost November? You know what that means… my favorite time of the year. Holiday time! I already have a Christmas present bought. Yes, you read that right. 

Happy Friday friends! Enjoy the weekend. 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


So there are a lot of things about living in the suburbs that have been an adjustment to say the least. There are a lot of things that I will probably just never come to terms with. The biggest being the animals- squirrels, bugs and skunks.

Tuesday morning was like any other morning in our house. Everyone was ready to leave. Cate and Glenn had left for their morning coffee run and Brady and I were working on getting his shoes on. If you know anything about three year olds, this is long task that is usually met with resistance or “I do it”.  We walked out to our garage and I noticed an odor. Not horrible but an odor…burnt rubber, hair on fire, something that I was not used to smelling.

I looked outside as my garage door opened and didn’t see anything unusual.  We walked over to the car to the passenger side. I noticed that the yard waste bag had tipped over. I didn’t think a whole lot about itDid I bump it getting out yesterday? I placed my bags in the passenger seat.  I went to pick up the full yard waste bag before putting Brady in his car seat. The bag started moving.  I screamed out of shock and fear. I jumped in the passenger seat with Brady trying to quickly shut the door.

A day late and a dollar short.

I called Glenn frantically. Not knowing what to do. Do I try to pull out? What if I run something over? Am I shaking too much to drive? What is it? No answer from Glenn. Try again. No answer. Next up. Call the mama. She’s in the car. She can’t talk either.

So, I decide as the smell is getting worse to back the car out of the garage. I back it out quickly, hoping not to hear a noise- a crunch, scream or yelp.  I get it out on the driveway and realize that my three year old is the only thing making a noise and he is sobbing. Not just sobbing but shaking. The kid is just scared.  

I watch as the brown yard waste bag starts moving again. It’s going to tip over. Whatever is in it is going to come out. And it falls on its side. And as it does, the biggest, fattest, ugliest skunk saunters out of the bag. It walks slowly to our neighbor’s yard and disappears.

Brady, did you see the skunk? I think to ask him to try to make it a science lesson but there is nothing but pure fear in his eyes.

I won’t give the gory details of buying baking soda and taking my car to the car wash. Or that I took Brady to daycare only to get a call an hour later saying he smelled so bad that he needs to be picked up and bathed. Or that I had to take a second shower. Or that or mudroom is slowly starting to reek of skunk. Or that my husband spent hours scrubbing our garage. What I will tell you is that I have been skunked.

Skunk in the Suburbs 1 Kristi 0

PS- You’re welcome for the good laugh I just gave each of you. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Three Years Later...


Tonight, I put you to sleep for the last time as a two year old. You asked me to stay and snuggle with you.  And with your daddy gone, I obliged because for that minute the world stopped.  I asked you questions and your answers got quieter and by the end of that minute, or two or three, I knew you were ready to go to sleep. 

Tomorrow, when you wake you will be three. I know that really doesn't mean a lot to you.  Heck, you are almost three years old. You pretty much concern yourself with trucks, chocolate milk and The Lorax at this point not how old you are going to be tomorrow. 

But for me tonight, I sit here on the new couch in our new house and I think about how much you have grown in three years.  The person you are becoming, the changes you have made and even the little things that have stayed the same. 

Three years later, you still want me to carry you like a baby to bed. 

Three years later, you play a musical instrument every morning on the way to school and remind me to play mine- You the strum your guitar and tell me to play my trumpet as we listen to country music.

Three years later, you tell us that you want to snuggle in our bed in those early morning minutes when you wake refusing to accept no for an answer.   

Three years later you are predictable like me- asking for a drink the minute we walk in the door and telling me you don’t like jeans every morning as you get dressed.

Three years later, I look in my rear view mirror when I am driving and when I catch your eyes we both smile- easily, without hesitation. 

Three years later you are silly with your sister and can make her laugh just by talking to her and she can make you mad just by sitting next to you. 

Three years later, I see myself in you.  You don't wake up well. You tell us to go away once we get you situated with Disney Junior and juice each morning.  I don't blame you buddy...mornings are rough. 

Three years later, I see your daddy in you.  You are a master negotiator.  When we tell you it is time to go to bed, you ask for five more minutes and we say one and you usually respond with two more minutes and then proceed to tell us that you will watch for two more minutes, okay? 

Three years later, I am prouder than ever to be your mama!

Happy Birthday Buddy Boy! I love you to the moon and back!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Party

Imagine the horror, when I woke up on Saturday morning and saw that the weather forecast was dismissal, really really bad.  Normally, I wouldn’t care. I find rainy days as an excuse to stay in our pajamas, watch movies and eat yucky food. But this past Saturday, we had 13 three years old expecting a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 3rd Birthday Party.

We were hosting the party with our good friends Kristen and Brian and their darling three year old and Brady’s good bud Brooklyn.   When Kristen showed up to get our house ready and told me the bounce house already cancelled, I panicked. Really, I did. What would we do? Would we have enough other stuff planned?

Guess, what? We did. We had plenty and a lot of kids did not mind the rain and played in it anyways.  Yes, people left a little bit early because it was really raining by the end but the kids had fun and overall it was a success.

Some of the details…at first I was not in love with the primary color theme but it ended being really cute.

The cupcake toppers were done by Samantha JulienSweets.  Are they not adorable? They were actually the inspiration for everything else.

The favors were Bernstein Bears Halloween Books for every kid who came- so cute. 

When the kids first got there, we had a scavenger hunt for Pluto’s Bones.  I bought two boxes of Milk Bones and spray painted (my dad did) them red and black. We hid them all over the yard and the kids had to go find them.  They had so much fun. We traded in bones for candy. I can't believe I don't have a picture of this because it was really cute. I was too busy collecting bones with Brady. 

We had each kid decorate a plate that was attached to a large Popsicle stick. We used stickers, crayons and markers.  We unleashed balloons and the kids had a ball playing with these simple paddles. Who knew? 

There was also a piñata that was IMPOSSIBLE to break. Not that it stopped some of Brady and Brooklyn’s friends from hitting it really hard. Every other picture I have is blurry from all the movement.  

My brother, the pinata, guinea pig. Yes, he took a couple shots to his thigh. 

I didn't get a picture of the Brady or all the kids singing to him, but I have to tell you that listening to a bunch of three year old kids sing happy birthday may be the cutest thing ever...

All, in all we had an awesome time and we would it again in a heartbeat- maybe next time mother nature could help us out? 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tidbits of Talk

Four day weeks are a killer as a teacher and I find myself busier than I am in a typical week.  Why is that? This week has flown by and I am guessing next week will be more of the same. I am begging for a five day week of school. Crazy right?

~ Brady’s birthday party has come to a screeching halt thanks to mother nature. Every weekend this fall so far there has not been a drop of precipitation yet this weekend- strong storms and thunder is the forecast. So, a plan B is in the works. Not exactly what we were hoping for in a party but I am sure it will be fine! My partner in crime Kristen and I have a plan and we are thinking the kids will have fun no matter what! 

~ Let’s talk about Cate and socks. She hates them. And Glenn tries talking to her like she is 10 about them telling her to keep them on so her feet don’t get cold and then she smiles at him and promptly proceeds to pull them off. Sometimes pulling so hard that her legs go airborne and she falls backwards. Hilarious- yes but so annoying.  Any suggestions?

~ We had some daycare drama this week that tugged at my heart. It weighed me down and caused a sleepless night.  Glenn is such a voice of reason. He is so level-headed when it comes to our kids and I am so grateful for that.  I knew that I needed to be calm and rational and communicate clearly and I think I did that. I had to run some of my emotions out and talk to Glenn and my mama ahead of time but I think we are on the right path again.

~ We got a new bed in our fourth bedroom. The delivery time was between 6am -9am on Tuesday. Weird right? Imagine our surprise when a delivery truck was backing up and beeping loudly at 6:02am. I am guessing our neighbors are not happy and kids sure weren’t. 

Happy Friday friends! The Homecoming football game and tailgate, birthday celebrations and some family time is calling my name this weekend! 

Whatcha lookin at Cate? 
PS- Sorry for the lack of pictures. I swear instagram is the only reason I have any pictures. I must get my camera out more. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Monday {A Recap and New Week}

Happy Monday Friends! This past weekend was long and so needed.  Glenn headed to LA for work on Friday and little bit of R&R the rest of the weekend in the warm weather.  So, since I  had a four day weekend so I decided to head south to Bloomington to see my parents.  

Did I mention it was cold?

Can I tell you how much my kids are rock star travelers? We left late Thursday night in our jammies and Cate finally gave in and went to sleep about an hour in to the trip.  Brady quietly watched Madagascar the entire ride.  The ride home today, they both slept the entire way during their afternoon nap time.  The entire time. Born to travel I tell you. Trust me I know how lucky we got on this front!

Between Thursday night in the car and Sunday afternoon in the car we had some fun. Although the weather didn't exactly cooperate we headed to Rader Farms on Saturday. 

It was cold. We tried to have some fun but it was cold. Notice, my subtle complaining here? Cate was bundled up like a mummy and right before we left for the farm I realized that Brady’s North Face coat that I bought at the Nordstrom Anniversary sale this summer does not fit. That was a bad sign. So, we bundled him up in a hat and hooded sweatshirt but it didn't work because he told us his hands were cold after being there for all of ten minutes.  Mom fail.  We took a tractor ride; he took a ride in the lady bugs, played on actual tractor, looked at the farm animals and drank yummy apple cider. 

But honestly, it was cold. The wind was relentless and I was worried that my littles just couldn't and shouldn't be out in the cold so we didn't stay as long as we would have liked to!

We also did a ton of prep work for Brady’s 3rd Birthday party with his friends next weekend while I was home. I am in full planning mode and I can’t wait to show you some of the activities and games I have come up with! I have all these great ideas but my mom manages to put them in to motion…and we did just that.

This week is going to be busy. Short week at school for the holiday tomorrow, Homecoming week, family wedding for Glenn Friday and Brady’s party Saturday. I am tired just typing all of that but it should be fun!

Happy Monday Friends!

PS- This weekend was marathon weekend in Chicago.  And every year, when it rolls around, I start to think is this my year? What do you think? Crazy? 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

5 Things I Am Loving Right Now

Five Things I Am Loving- October
Where did September go? Seriously, in a blink of an eye October is here which equals cooler temperatures, the days getting darker earlier and the need for blankets. Since October is here I thought I would tell you five things I am loving right now.

Warm Drinks
Nothing says fall like a warm drink from my favorite place Starbucks. I am hoping someone (mom, dad, Todd, anyone) gets their new home drink maker so I can try it out. But for now, I am sticking with my warm chai teas lattes straight from the source.   I also find myself drinking their calm tea at night once fall is here and nothing is better than a salted caramel hot chocolate when the cooler temps prevail. 

I usually gravitate to bright pops of color when it comes to life- my toes and my landscaping most notably.  But nothing gets me more excited for fall than beautiful mums and fall foliage. The leaves are such gorgeous colors of reds, oranges, and yellows. It makes for beautiful pictures and is really refreshing after a summer of pink flowers and hot pink toes.

Riding Boots and Fall Flats
I have a loyal to my two pair of riding boots and I have my favorite flats in a couple of colors but lately I have been perusing Piperlime for more favorite shoes to buy. Jeans, riding boots and the sweater below just sounds lovely to me right now. 
PS- I bought this yesterday for 40% off! Winning! 

It’s back and better than ever. Since having kids, I watch less and less TV but there are still a couple of shows that I am loyal too.  I look forward to Sunday nights where the Amazing Race and Boardwalk Empire signal the ending to a weekend and the beginning of a new week. And as each week comes to a close, Grey’s Anatomy is my old faithful. I am thinking this winter when we hibernate we need to try to watch something new- Homeland, Breaking Bad, or maybe Friday Night Lights? Got a recommendation for us?

Down Comforters
I love the feeling of the heat radiating from under the covers. I love the feeling of our down comforter. How soft it is and how light yet warm it is.  How when you fluff it it gets big but stays so soft! By spring, I am ready to get a fresh, light quilt out but every fall, I beg for temperatures to drop so that I can bust it out and get it on our bed. 

What about you? What are you loving right now?