It's hard to find someone that meets your expectations as a man. As a husband, as a friend and probably most importantly as a dad. When you grow up with a dad who doesn't have a mean bone in his body, whose sense of humor is effortless, whose patience is tireless and willingness is overwhelming you struggle to ask yourself daily if there is anyone out there that can match him quality for quality.
I think I found one...

This week I have been reminded of that more than ever. Sure, we have had some moments that neither of us are proud of. But, when you have a active toddler in a cast, sometimes his frustrations become our frustrations. But this week, he has also been our backbone. Literally and figuratively. Holding Brady as he got x-rays since pregnant mamas are not allowed in the room, carrying him everywhere since 7.5 months and a 30lb toddler don't go well together and reminding me as we dropped him off at Bright Horizons that this is harder on us than him.
So, on Father's Day, I want to wish the two best dad's I know, that I am proud to call mine, Happy Father's Day. Today is day to celebrate you... to remind both of you just how much you mean to me and him!

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