"Hey Grandpa Witherow...look at the cool neat trick you taught me. When I push the remote the car actually beeps. If only the neighbors appreciated it as much as you do at 7am"
My husband will tell you that I spend hours, countless hours on the web reading, researching, discovering and getting crazy ideas in my head about what meals we will cook and eat next week, how I am going to organize my closet for the summer or what I am going to do in Brady’s new big boy room.
He calls it mind numbing and a waste of time. I call it idea explosions. I see all of these great ideas, recipes and designs and think “I could totally do that”. My problem is time. So, there are a lot of instances where I have the best intentions but they don’ t get put in to action for a bit. What’s even more unfortunate, a month or year later, when I am ready to do it, I frantically search in my bookmarks, my history, and on the desktop of my computer to find what inspired my idea to cook adult macaroni and cheese, how I "have" to reorganize my closet or the bedding I just couldn't live without a month ago. Usually it ends in failure and I end up retracing my steps, calling my ma starting the conversation with “Do you remember when I told you about…” and then starting from scratch.
Enter from stage left (aka Twitter) Pinterest. I started hearing about it from people on twitter, listened to someone in my office at school talk about it, started reading about it and instantly wanted in on the action.
What is it? It’s an online bookmarking extravaganza. So, you want more details? This is what I know...
- You must get an invitation. (Leave me a comment or shoot me an email and I will send an invitation)
- Find people to follow, real-life friends, twitter friends, whoever!
- You create boards. Think cork board meets inspiration board.
- You pin images to the cork boards, categorizing and giving brief statements about them. (Think of the wedding planning you could do on this site… I am looking at some of you!)
- You click on the images you pin or repin and it links you back to where the image is originally from.
- Your main page streams and updates with people you are following and things that they have recently pinned. You can repin or you can comment.
- You can follow single boards of people. Let’s say you love someone’s toddler inspiration board but hate their board about Shakespeare. You simply follow the boards you want to follow of each person you follow.
- You can search something random, say kitchen organization, and you will be bombarded with images of things people have pinned and then can pin them for yourself.
Sure, you could bookmark websites, but the best part is that I have a place/space on the web where I can house all of my “stuff” and it won’t get lost. And, it goes back to the original information. I have so many new ideas and I love to see how other people think. So, hop on to pinterest. Remember, you need an invite so holler and I will send you one!
A lot of bloggers I read have written about pinterest. Here is a great post on the do's and don'ts from Suzanne who manages to have tons of her own blog items pinned by others! (She's pretty darn crafty!) If you don't believe me I think she will convince you that pinterest rocks!
And of course a blog post wouldn't be a post without a deliciously cute picture of my toddler...
I super big puffy heart Pinterest. LOVE it.