So, I missed a week and I hope you all understand that I was busy soaking up my boys, my parents, my hometown and all that the Christmas season has to offer even a trip to Santa which DID NOT go well. Being home with my family was amazing. It is what I need and I crave in the midst of the craziness that occurs in a school year and more specifically during the holidays. As I sat in mass on Christmas Eve, with Brady in my arms, I felt ready, right, and recharging in those moments.
I look really weird/fat in this but we really did not get a good shot of our family on Christmas Eve
Being thankful is about being content and while I'm honest that this week I have not been content I am trying to get better at being okay with what I have. My life is pretty good and sometimes you just have to be willing to embrace what is going on and keep truckin. I am thankful...81. a baby well on his way to toddlerhood who gives me exactly what I need when I need it most. Brady has an instinct (do all babies?) to lay his head on my shoulder when I need a reminder that life isn't so bad. And does it get any cuter than this? We do anything to keep him happy between dinner and bath and two nights ago, mama's UGGs did the trip. Dad was not pleased but it is pretty darn cute if you ask me.
82. a mama who knows how to shop. Damn, my mother is a shopper and I am proud of that because usually what I am wearing on SOS is compliments of her. Banana Republic, JCrew and Von Maur thank her too!
83. a school district that values teachers to give them two full weeks to recharge at a time when we need it most.
84. for our new Keurig. Seriously, it is so nice to not hear my husband complain every morning how much he hates paying for coffee at Starbucks. Or the fact that Brady makes the motor sound every time we start it and that Glenn picks with such focus when choosing his K-cup for the morning. I don't mind paying for Starbucks but won't have to thanks to my in-laws Christmas gifts! Thanks Fischers!
85. my organizing gene. I spent a lot of time this week putting things away, sorting, making bins thanks to my e-friend LCW's idea and getting Brady's playroom in order. Needs some work. I have some ideas but we are off to a good start.
86. for restaurants who are "so good" that we had to get a reservation for April. Oy... well, I guess it is something to look forward to. Got that in your calendars people? Girl and the Goat in April!
87. my new camera. I am no longer "loaning" one from school. I am the proud new owner of a Nikon D3000. I have been shooting with it for almost a year already so the learning curve shouldn't be too bad. Plus, I am finally taking that photography class my brother and sister in law bought me for my birthday in June.
88. for the "spring like" temperatures we are having this week. It sure makes running errands, going to the gym and getting out easier when it is in the 40's. Plus, it gives us a taste of what's to come.
89. that my husband is kind enough to know what I need, firm enough to stand up to me when I am wrong, and loves me enough to humor my madness. And you know what else? That being his own boss allowed him to be home most of this week. There is something so awesome when your partner, your spouse, and your best friend gets to enjoy lazy days, naps and family outings with you.
90. Heinz ketchup. True story, my kid loves this stuff. So, we can pretty much get him to eat ANYTHING if we slather it with Heinz. Laugh all you want people but the kid will eat chicken, vegetables, you name it as long as we dip it in ketchup.
How you were your holidays? What are you thankful for?
Great post! We also got a Keurig and I LOVE it! Mostly because the nearest Starbucks to us is in Bloomington! I ordered some more K-cups and I can't wait for them to get here! :) Enjoy your Nikon!