Is it Thursday already? No, not possible. But, yes it truly is which means this week has flown by and Brady's birthday party is two days away and his actually birthday is less than five days away. I watch him amazed every day and more convinced that he is becoming a toddler.This week was about a late night at school, a day off to recharge, an awful Wednesday,and the ferocious planning that is consuming our household related to birthday parties, weddings, and family pictures. So, as a fast week comes to a quick, abrupt end, I am reminded how thankful I am for..
11. Friends that that make me realize it is the quality of the conversation, not necessarily the quantity and how much an email can connect you right back together. (You know who you are.)
12. Mamas who tell you to take a deep breath and then get things done for you when life seems to overwhelm you and place you in shut down mode instantly.
13. High school students who constantly energize me to "be better" at my craft.
14. For Brady's little head when it rests on my shoulder in the morning to remind me that he still needs those moments as much as I do.
15. Pandora...I did not know what I was missing until I got my Droid X. I will never go back.
16. My morning chai tea latte from Starbucks because it fuels these crazy weeks.
17. My Brooks running shoes because when they are laced up make me energized, clear headed and ready to tackle life.
18. Out of the ordinary warm fall days that let my little run around the park in shorts and squeal and chase his ball.
19. The ability to laugh at myself when the day just goes horribly wrong from start to finish.
20. Brady, who almost one year late is the thing I am the most proud about in my 31 years.

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