So, it was here before we knew it and it is now going away as fast as it came! I go back to work in five weeks! I am so not ready and not looking forward to it! I promised myself I would spend this summer enjoying every minute with Brady and Glenn and soaking up all the things we could do!
Swimming lesson = AWESOME! He loves the water...he gets so excited when we get there and he truly loves to splash, play, and put his face in!
Music lessons = QUESTIONABLE! Some weeks he loves it, other weeks not so much. The one thing he loves is to shake his music maker! He usually shakes it when he is not supposed to but it is still pretty funny!
We had a great 4th of July weekend in Bloomington! No fireworks this year, but I made a promise to myself and to Glenn that we will take him starting next year. It was such a big tradition growing annual rite of passage if you will. Popping the popcorn and putting it in the grocery bag, packing the cooler, getting a blanket, finding some bug spray and making sure we had a radio with fresh batteries so we could listen WJBC's tribute to America while watching the sky light up.

It was hot, but we found a splash park that is a little more "baby friendly" than the one by our house in Chicago! Brady and dad had a great time playing in the water, going on the swings, and walking around!
Did I mention he will be nine months on Monday? ZOMG!
Off to music, but will post after the nine month appointment!
Off to music, but will post after the nine month appointment!
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